After testing I think Assassin need a litle bit more

First of, Im not a Rogue main.
I used to be way back in the day. But after the “hype” I lvled up my Rogue and have been testing it on retail and ptr.

Im not a fan of sub, my true love has always been assassin.
I also have to say that Outlaw is growing on me. This will be mostly based on pvp and 10,2 patch.

I think Assassin needs more defensive.

Sub is getting a shield/life back on finisher dmg.
After testing its around 9-10% of my health and the choice to have 2 vanish is also good.

Outlaw have reduced cd on evasion and in 10.2 they also get Precision shoot that reduces the dmg the target does to you by 5% when pistol shot is used on the target.

Assassin has Iron wire: When Garrote is used from stealth it reduces the target damage by 15% for 8 sec. This is more or less useless in PvP, it only works for 8 sec in you opener window. You open up with Cheap shot then Garrote since you can use it 3 sec after stealth and still get the benefit. So 3 sec gone of the 8 sec. If you then use Kidney, Iron wire will not benefit you at all! I think this needs a rework.

Make it so it works the same out of stealth. Asassination only have 1 def on the tree but it will reduce it with 15%, Sub will add around 9-10% health/shield on avarage and have 2 vanish. Outlaw reduce dmg by 5 and have a shorter cd on Evasion…

If its to much with 15% for Assassination then reduce it to 12% But as of now Assassination is to easy to kill.

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