OMFG! NO m8. any giving day u need a friendly guild chat, please
add any of this emails as friends:, i used them both . huge hugs! the greek man imho get married and offline , and the rus crew show their teeths on a NONREPRODUCIBLETEXT name server. i got no cyrilic keyboard…
Ewin here finally made it, playing mage on Horde ofc Gandling server and only PvP as we never managed to rank with Ad Astra focusing PvE. The name is Ewina (female trol for no reason -shrugs-).
Vari plays alliance on Mograine (traitor) and Sciro recently stopped. At my age now and with full family i get to play full speed morning till afternoon and would be pleased to meet anyone from our old Ad Astra gang again!
I used to be SQUELCHED , so been unable to use chat or just plain answer, but paulina still kicking on 120.
chetada is a char from another account NOT SILENCED yet xD. will check the classic, but i do play the horde part since2004 korean beta so bit boring.
keep reading this post . ewin giv answer down there…
Sunete here, a Holy Priest from Kawhoom