In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Agamaggan in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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Well I guess I’ll kick it off!! PandaZ the warlock. Officer and raid leader of KIA.
Paulina tauren druid
Ad Astra
ewin , varimathras , etc.
Mulgear Undead Priest
Warmonger Clan, Unforgiven, Alius Orbis
High Warlord Nojaw, Undead rogue
I was the leader of the English pvp team with rank10 - 14 players.
We use to gather the team in the morning and play Arathi Basin all day long using teamspeak. We had alot of fun. Tryology, are you out there?? During this period i was in a few guilds, Bloodbound, Unforgiven, KIA etc.
When those days where over I joined a raiding guild: Freaks on a Leash.
Wonderful times there as well!
I will be playing Shazzrah PvP. As a human rogue Sleaze.
Zenfox Undead Rogue
One of the founding fathers of < The Happy Horde >
Got tired of the (Spanish) server and migrated to Kor’gall
Routton Tauren Druid
KIA, Unforgiven, Alius Orbis

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Jozo Tauren Druid
Warmonger Clan, Ad Astra, Astra
Spent most of my time on this server before i moved with the guild to Bladefist.
Looking for the old crew.
Hello Paulina, i remember you from my time in Ad Astra. Had any luck finding the old crew?
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Splivv the shaman. came over with the rest of Army of Darkness when the russians killed shadowmoon. Played a couple of other guilds that i admit i cant remember the name of ><
In the good ol’days i played with Hefaistos the Warlock.
Best guild mymories here are (Ad) Astra.
Hey NoJaw, it’s Obit - me and my gf at the time (aka Salsicha) came over to visit you in Amsterdam! Glad I’m not rolling Shazz anymore if you’re lurking around on alliance
I’m gonna be over on Gehennas by the looks of it.
Hey dude that’s been a looooong time ago man whats up! Yeah I’ll be trying the alliance side this time got some buddies coming and some of them are going horde on the same server, they be crying already
Are you still on retail?
Ewin, vari and my self from ASTRA will start in Gehennas and see what is going on about queues
Was playing a rogue which I don’t recall it’s name. I was responsible for dkp and the site of Astra
Will be there for casual play most of the time though
yeah its all good mate, i don’t really play retail anymore, played a bit but didn’t really take to it. I’ll be hammering classic - i bet you’re loving those shazz queues! xD
Thought I’d post just to see if anyone remembers a furry tank. This isn’t the same account I played in vanilla, but I’ve kept old hoof alive (kinda)
Flyhoof (druid)
Flybane (warlock)
Cry More Noob!
Certainly had some good times and punch-ups with the alliance over the years
Not really sure if I’ll be playing classic in any real fashion but nice to see a few familar names and a couple of KIA members above 
Hialdo here.
I wonder if anyone in the old PvP crew is still playing? Got to rank 13 as a feral druid (a grind I will NOT do again). Was in Ad Astra and raided as well.
Haven’t decided on what realm I will be playing on, it depends on how the queues will develop. Planned to play on Gehennas, but the current queues makes it impossible.
Oh man the queues never went away. Mostly just 20 minutes now though on shazzrah. How’s gehennas doing? I assume ya all hit 60 by now right??