Agent Dawn Reputation currently pointless!

I have discovered recently that after spending considerable time and gold reaching EXALTED in Argent Dawn Reputation there are no real benefits. The Knightly Order Title “Argent Champion” is not possible in Burning Crusade Classic, I was also advised by customer support that the Argent Dawn Tabard is no longer possible.

To compound the problem, some old players in BCC have the title of Knight ?? But newer players cannot obtain a Knight Title.

Is there any momentum pushing Blizzard Developers to help players in BCC obtain a Knightly Title in the future that ALL can get rather than just a lucky few.

I felt cheated spending so much time grinding and buying rep for no real benefit.
Surely this should be a topic of discussion for developers ??? What do others think ??


No, why would there be?

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I can imagine a world where you are literally the only person who cares.


Generally, old-expansion reps are usually worthless. A few points though:

The “knight” rank was obtained by PVP in Classic, not reputation. That title will return in Cataclysm.

In WoTLK, exalted with both Argent Dawn and Argent Crusade gives you “The Argent Champion” title.

Currently in TBCC, Argent Dawn exalted reputation allows you to complete the Naxxramas attunement quest for free; zero hand ins.

Why wouldn’t you check beforehand? In the past I wanted to be exalted with everything just to be exalted, but if I wasn’t sure about the grind I would always check beforehand… Adding rewards is kinda going against the idea of Classic.


Hi, well at the moment Argent Dawn rep is pointless in Burning Crusade Classic - why doesn’t Blizzard just remove it to save the confusion.

I did grind AD rep in TBC on my alt for completionist reasons . You shouldn’t have to pay anything … Scourgestone farming in Noxius Glade is your friend shouldn’t take you more than 8 hours in total . And the money is ok-ish . As for the title , i also hate the fact that i have to wait for wotlk to get the Guardian of Cenarius title , but that’s life . TLDR , it’s not a topic for discussion for the devs , get over it

If I recall correct, there are still plenty of spoils for the reputation obtainers to enjoy! =) Just not a “knightly” title, unfortunately!

Maybe you guys can revamp your guild name into “Challengers of Excalibur”, I have no that with some good ol’ boosting you’d get that Challenger title!

I can imagine it too. How I feel about the world at the moment :slight_smile:

I am pretty sure I got Argent Dawn tabard in Wrath prepatch on retail in early october 2008. There were fighting Scourge invasion quests and farming that gave Argent Dawn reputation and thats how I got tabard and feat of strength although barely and casually playing in original Classic and TBC.

It was “”“pointless”"" playing a videogame in the first place.

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I thought PvP titles were obtainable with a certain # of HKs?

Like 2/3rd of the vanilla reputations are useless with barely any notable retards.

They were……in classic vanilla

Not for #HKs
You obtained them from ranks.
Next time they will be availible will be catalism classic (if they ever make it)
If you wanted them now you are about 9 months late.

Yes I know…and you got ranks from [number of] hks (and bg wins ofc).

Not how it worked. You got ranks from Honor.

Crikey……yes…and you got honor from killing opposite faction….hence……hks.

You do get rewards from getting exalted, you get some profession patterns which are exclusive to the faction and you get to raid Naxx (yes people still do this for things like C.Ashbringer). Besides, why didn’t you check what the rewards were on WoWhead before you grinded out the rep? I’m an enchanter and getting the formula for healing on bracers makes me an asset to any guild on my server, as well as satisfies the completionist within me.

Honestly, I don’t believe you got to exalted, because it takes a lot of Strat, Scholo and possibly Naxx runs before you can even get to that point. And I don’t believe that you didn’t check the reputation vendor even 1 time while grinding the rep to see that you can’t get the tabard if you didn’t participate in the event.

And as far as obtaining the title of Knight, maybe you should have thought about getting rank 6 in classic if you wanted the title that came with it in TBC, because if Blizz added a way to get that title in TBC (like they added a way to get the honor mounts with marks) it would minimize the achievements of people who actually wasted their time to get the title in Classic, like I did.