Aggrammar Horde Reconnections

Aye man, I remember. Though I remember Neolith specifically lol. The UC old guard PvP nights were epic.

I have vivid memories of several BG’s when the opposition just gave up when they saw it was us lol.

I played (and play) an undead warrior, Gothcthulhu, and was (am) founder of the guild Bonds of Rage and Spirit. I was previously in guilds Yggdrasil and Eyes of Yggdrasil.
I’m looking to reconnect with a troll rogue named Bobakar, whom I also had some IRL contact with, but my MSN Messenger got hi-jacked. :frowning:

Ha! Yea, was always good bg’s with a UC group. Imagine pvp mage will return! Lots of names popping up in this thread that I recognise from back in the day!

I would be extremely happy if you uploaded this

Hello people.
I remember a few of you who have written in here.
Special greetings to old guildmates Grigeral and Torvak. Hope you’re all fine.
Am personally just kicking around a bit. Have been on a prolonged break since 2016, but as a sucker for Vanilla wow and the good times we had, I’m quite inclined to give it a try. Not sure if or where.

Cor blimey, tis the old guvnor! Hope you are well dude. 2016? I thought you and zoo quit a long time ago! Be cool to play with you again if you decide to join the nostalgia!

Yeah well. We went on a break back then at the start of the burning crusade. Came back mid TBC, felt lost. Transferred our warrior and priest to Draenor and found a new home. Played there until start of Cataclysm. Missed all of Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria. Came back and played Warlords of Draenor and dropped out again cause of Work and studies in 2016.
All is fine, but you know. Life tends to get quite busy when you grow up. :wink: We had to prioritize from time to time, and quite often computer gaming was forsaken.

Oh boy, me too!!

Now for the actual topic!

Jeshua (holy priest) mainly in Is Hard. So much fun in that guild!! I distinctly remember all the lovely BWL (I didn’t get my T2 shoulders before Legion!!!) and AQ40 runs. One of my fondest memories was waiting to regroup before Twin trash and Xezbeth (warlock) and I would play a game of cat and mouse. His goal was to suicide using hellfire and my goal was to keep him alive. Good times!

Is that the one where the beam kills the entire raid except for Alex because he for some reason resisted it? If I recall correctly it was well over a billion points of damage before it got to him :slight_smile:

Ah, rl, the bane of many a gamer! Not really raided properly since end of cata and only play retail casually now, the theme park quick gratification of retail doesn’t really hold my attention. Moved to Earthen Ring after UC fell apart to play with some rl friends. Proper stoked for classic though, very much looking forward to it! Although there is still much debate over which server to play on!

Hello everyone!

It brings back memories to see these posts.
I spent my early days in WoW as “Tauro”, DPS warrior in Is Hard running through MC, BWL & AQ40
Left my warrior for TBC and went with my holy priest “Ohena” with Unleashed Chaos all the way to Sunwell.

I will probably try out the classic game again but can’t really get the time together for longer durations of playtime like before.

I remember Tauro!

The stupid warrior who required extra healing? :wink:
I remember you aswell along with quite a few others in the thread here.
I’ve spent quite a few hours keeping Torvak alive through TBC for example. Raids with Ganjor and Grig.

A pain I know all too well lol!

The stupid Druid that required extra healing? :rofl: Hope you are well, it’s great to hear from more of the old shool UC crew!

Hehe well you were supposed to take damage :smiley: As a DPS warrior pre-tbc I wasn’t xD

I’m surprised to see nobody mention The Dominion yet. I suppose they’ve already been to classic and got the t-shirts to prove it.

I was the main tank of E X O D U S for most of my career, but they took off late-TBC so I’m keen to play some classic at a higher level than I did.

Yeah, I’m sure gonna try it out. have a few days to decide what server.
I’m trying to figure out where any old friends (rl and in game) are gonna play. Am pretty confused as of now.
Sad to hear about UC breaking up. Even tho I assume this was yesterday’s news.

I suppose technically it didn’t break up, a lot of the old crowd still have toons in there but it’s mostly just grind’s personal family bank these days! Still unsure on server. Want to play with the old school agramarians as well as rl friends. Will probably make a final decision on Sunday.

I can mention Dominion for you.
Dominions progression through Molten Core was a joint run together with some players from Unleashed Chaos and I think Boys from the Horde.
Vohbo was a very decisive and strong raid leader. I’m still very astonished that he ran the raid only through chat. No voice com or nothing.
No clue what he, or any of the other players from that group are doing today. It was a hell of a run, and really fun to be a part of. After the first Ragnaros kill, UC and BFTH went on their own, and Dominion took off as the premier progression guild of Aggramar for years to come.
Cudos to Vohbo and Dominion.