Aggrammar Horde Reconnections

Spot on with Vohbo’s leading style.

I joined Dominion at level 58 and was part of the progression in BWL up to and including Chromaggus. It was crazy how Vohbo could handle the raid using only texting, and it was actually pretty nice. I think we were more focused because of that - everyone had to know exactly what to do because asking a question or commenting on someone’s movements would take much longer than if there was voice comms.
I remember once when we wiped and had to run back from Kargath I fell into the huge pit in my ghost form. I had been leveling as a holy priest for the majority of Vanilla and I had never quested there so I didn’t know how to get out. Vohbo guided me via chat and I somehow made it back to the raid only about 15 minutes later :slight_smile:
When I left Dominion to join BFTH in order to play with my RL friend I did so in a very very stupid way and thus had a falling out with Vohbo - one he never forgave me for. To be completely honest, I actually agree with him.
The Dominion team at the time had an incredible roster and even though there was no voice comms ever, we all got to know each other very well and I would like to say I became good friends with many of the members. Special mentions go out to Amakan and Bruuz. Two amazing warriors (dos and tank respectively) with whom I did lots of dungeons and they also helped me farm my Eye of Shadow for my Benediction in Winterspring.

Wow, this became a long text. As Hellundir wrote: Kudos to Vohbo and the team!

Skyra here.

I played and raided on Skyra the druid from day 1 up to early Cataclysm - almost all of that with The Obsidian Order except for some early Molten Core with Eyes of Yggdrasil - I think - lead by Nutty.

So many people I spent countless hours doing dungeons and raids with; it would be nice to catch up with anyone from those days, especially those who slogged through hours of pre-raid gear undead instances with a druid healer who couldn’t shackle undead like a priest.

I’m currently thinking that i’ll play on the RP-PVP realm; but if a lot of familiar names are playing elsewhere that could change.

So is the final call Shazzrah? Peeps coming with me from ER are ok with a PvP realm. Just a little concerned about potential massive queues!

It’s apparently a heavily full server now, I suspect most will be though

Yep, thats the concern. Nearly all the servers are showing full though now. 5 New servers going online tomorrow before launch; 4 PvP and one PvE.

As of now, I’m gonna roll on a PvE server in a reasonable pace dictated by any spare time that I have. All Things considered, I’m going to be quite casual I presume. You’ll find me on either Mirage raceway or Nethergarde Keep depending on which one is less crowded. Anyone that have played with me on Aggramar back in the days may add me if you wish to stay connected. :slight_smile:

Fair enough. Were still procrastinating… Already have a toon reserved on Mirage Raceway though. :slight_smile:

Sent you an add, anyone from the old days welcome to also add me: MaliceGrimm#2733.

The blackmoonz + friends group is going to stick it out on shazzrah, any old aggramarians are welcome to join us, I can be contacted via battlenet @ Storm#2958
For those of you restarting for classic, welcome back and see you in game!

I’ve added you both Hellundir & Torvak. For any who want to add me, it’s Gareque#2124!

Few familiar names here. I started with orc shaman named Ossianh then become an alt-holic and made Izhtar (not sure about the spelling though, but it was ud priest), Lehmish (druid) and few others… I was in Bad Company, then at System Lords / System Lords Academy.
Now i’ve made my toon to Mirage Raceway, actually 3 as i’m not sure which i should play with… shammy, priest or druid.
edit: Most likely i will pick shammy. Name is Kaaos. Say hi if you see me ;D

Hello All,

No point putting my 15 years history here so i just go straigh back in in time…

Aggramar was the first server in Vanilla i started in till the end of the TBC if im right.

Orc Warrior
Name: Twan (yy i was not into fantasy so used my real name lol)
Guild: Dominion was the guild i was really looking up to back then, ofc not been in it but funny to see that name here,

But i’m looking for a guild deathcore also one of the bigger ones but i think mainly in TBC…

My main then was Priest Troll named Sepultura

But i got a lot of names in my youtube video:
First boss Gruuls Lair with the guild Deathcore
End of the video you see all the names that been in the party:

Also Withered Hand or something like that was a guild i have been in.

Hey everyone,
Ratix (Tauren Shaman), The Dominion here.

It’s honestly been such a nostalgia trip reading through the comments here. Those comments on Vohbo his leading style are spot-on. Having played with the Dominion throughout vanilla was such an amazing journey. I distinctly remember my first MC run at level 59 (there weren’t enough level 60s in the guild yet) and being VERY afraid of pulling mobs with some of the “hug wall to skip these trash packs” tactics being employed.

I’m currently waiting out some of the launch week issues, but I’ll probably join some of you guys on Shazzrah once things have calmed down a bit.

Is there a guild or anything up on Shazzrah? Or is everyone still battling with the insane queues?

Hi all,

Used to play on aggrammar back in classic.
Played a Tauren warrior called Corrie.
Was part of starbalde guild who raided as part of unity. Hoping to reconnect with folk from the old guild or those connected to unity like warseeker tribe, or even just people I quested with in the world.
Anyone from the old days who want to add me can do so: skinny89#1288

Hey, I was actually there for the founding of DeathCore, but left almost straight afterwards.

From memory, it was a guild formed from the merging of 2 others, Deathjesters (which I was a member of) and another guild, can’t recall the name though…

This was way back in Vanilla though. I’d had an invite from Is Hard by then to join a formal raiding guild. Stuck around long enough to help them get set up, then moved on.

Good people and good times.

Which servers did you end up at?
I just got started on Mirage Raceway mainly because the horrible queues on other ones…

Im on Shazzrah. Yes, the queues are horrible.

Mirage Raceway. Hallundir and Grigeral are here as well!

This is Jeshua btw

I’m here. The Dominion is playing on Nethergarde Keep.
People who are interested: we are looking for some to bolster our ranks. (Not Jeshua)


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I was in DeathCore, for all my wow career. (Im still in DeathCore, but there’s no activity).

Zogozan, Troll Rogue
Guild: DeathCore

Remember running througb MC, Ony, BWL and started off on AQ40 before TBC hit.

We were a good guild in vanilla aswell, but we were not progressing as fast as UC/BFTH/TD.

Playing my main (Zogozan, Troll Rogue) in classic on Mirage Raceway.