Aggrammar Horde Reconnections

I was Hatchet on Aggrammar and ran a guild called Infinite for my sins.

Infinite was like a large family over the years … we had 2 members end up together and i lost count of how many members had new babies while playing in Infinite.

Hope all the old gang are fit and health and it would be great to hear from anyone from the past :smile:

Currently on Skullflame Server


Good luck to you guys, I trust you will be an awesome guild as always.

Wow i still remember you and your guild like it was yesterday. You were like the Kungen of Aggramar. I was Zabatsu from Unleashed Chaos.

Hey Grig i remember you very well!! hows Classic treating you

My Guild Master <3
How are you and Zoo doing! its been ages wow!

Hey dude! Sorry for the late response, was unsubbed for a while!

Haven’t really been on it to be completely honest. How’re you enjoying it?