True but what good is the gear piece if you cant use it? Do you think being ilvl 378 is in anyway helping you to be better? Well the answer is NO!
Because “It only matters when it stops you from doing the content you want to do.” I for example have 2 rings from the headless horseman event and they are 335. They are better then any other rings I have found before, like the 350 one in my bag as you say.
This system is terrible. I would rather farm different sets and have 2 different ones in my bags then to get useless gear while playing a specific spec…
Anyways, I will try to play another character I guess and spend pointless hours to try to gear it up… Any suggestions?
Paladin protection/ blood DK.
Tank always finds his spot in groups. This was my alt, but I can gear up quicker this one and now it’s my main.
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If read the tooltip it says ring or trinket so it has to be a cache. It’s poorly worded but not broken.
So guys and gals… I decided to write a support ticket to Blizzard to see if they are going to do anything about OUR issue. The answer is in Russian but Google will do an OK job translating if you like to see it.
Here is their answer, same as one of the forum links i posted earlier (Drops are base on you class and not anything else.)
Вас беспокоит гейм-мастер Торадатенер.
Приношу свои извинения за долгое ожидание ответа. Столь долгое ожидание связано с большим количеством запросов.
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что добыча с локальных заданий, а также награды эмиссаров даются для класса, а не для специализации.
Так что то, что Вы получаете вещи с ловкостью это так и задумано системой.
Но, не огорчайтесь - в рейдах и подземельях Вас ждет более подходящая добыча!
Приносим извинения за доставленные неудобства.
С уважением
Гейм-мастер Торадатенер
Служба поддержки пользователей
Blizzard Entertainment
There’s no reason to make a ticket. It’s not broken and support dont take suggestions. So google says class not spec. As predicted and correct.
I would never want to discuss politics with you, if u can’t even accept someones opinion without calling people dumb.
I was healer (druid) and got a spriest trinket with int from uldir raid. The int is usable but the secondary thing was not for me as it caused damage.
world quests and emissaries rewards are fixed . they are FREE from spec. they don’t change with your selected spec. If it happened weekly m+ cache you are right, otherwise this is the way it is now.
For example i need 1h for prot pala alt. i see 2h holy pala reward, so i don’t bother doing quests. check your reward before doing quests.
Facepalm, Gratna. Go troll somewhere else you dimwit.
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It happens there also, look up some videos and you’ll see that others out there are receiving wrong loot.
I am not trolling, i see no problems with it. I am mainspecc prot and i never set my loot table to anything else. Yet i do not mind getting offspec Gear. It helps during the times my guild does not need an tank. And Just because u think something is not as it should be does not mean people that disagree are dumb or wrong. Liking saying people are dumb for like classical music or any other genre.
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All praise the RNG gods! For they are malevolent and dont give one stinky hecks about what you want!
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i write it again to help you understand: world quest rewards are for alts or low geared players. That is the point and i hope for your feint heart you will see it before you start trying to explain things about what gear you need or not. just because you dont see any problem with having some offspec gear drop while you have mainspec activated (neither do i on my geared main) doesnt mean other players want it this way. you might have to start using your knob between your shoulders and understand that low geared players are in no need to gear up their offspecs before their main spec which this thread was about.
Also for low geared offspecs and they work as intended. U might not like it but Just because u do not like it doesn’t make it bad design.
Don’t worry same problem with my frost death knight , i still have a blue 325 1h weapon. Because all i get is 2h from warfronts , missions etc so i feel you
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play DH because the cant mess up your loot spec hehe
What about the WQ cache? if the rewards were strictly for alts and low level they would have not given us 370 ilvl caches. As I have stated many times already, unfortunately WQ and Caches are for your class and the only way to get the gear you actually want is to do raids, hoping you get your loot. Even in M+, end of the week loot is not as good as it supposed to be especially for higher keys…
very true. Same goes for my alt priest. i need some top class unluck to get something really really bad.
Which is why you put the loot spec for offspec if that is what you target an item for, but i guess its pointless trying to teach a stone how to think. But keep making yourself a fool for praising a broken system. One day you are gonna have some bad luck with rng and remember it’s you who back such a fantastic system up just because you cant admit you are wrong.
Never praised it. But keep telling that to yourself.