It may make no sense but it’s how it works. We had the same in Legion.
I vaguely remember their justification was you don’t have to swap specs to see what an item rewards is. It’s just that is the reward, what you see is what you get. I actually think a lot of the player base would rather it worked on their spec like boss loot does.
If it is in your bag, it still raises your ilvl… this has some limited functionality… however since you can choose loot spec, that is what should drop.
Even worse: Getting a 370 twohander as a prot warrior with lootspecc set to prot.
While a friend of mine got a 375 shield with lootspecc fury.
Wtf is this system?
And same fcked up stuff: Traditionloot. I get cloth and leather sht over and over again, while the cloth dudes aka mages, warlocks etc keep getting plate and mail stuff.
Last month I got a dps trinket from a raid boss (str+damage proc) with loot spec set on protection. I also got a dps trinket from my motherlode m+ run chest (str+damage on use) again in protection loot spec.
This is not from caches, nor from m+ weekly chest. Straight drops. Surely that’s not how it’s supposed to be? I’d agree with you if even boss loot actually worked based on loot spec
P.S. You’re a paladin, when you have a chance please check zek’voss loot table for “protection” or last boss of motherlode as “protection”. Should confirm what I’m saying here.
Gives a few classes an advantage for sure. My warlock, priest and mage would never get anything but a intellect trinket, aka quicker gearing when it matters. Gearing from WQ’s isn’t something you do after getting raid gear, so obviously it’s usually in the gear up progress it would matter.
I think this is because a lot of tanks use dps trinkets and are recommended to do so. Gone are the days of tanking = defensive trink. Trinkets blur across the specs now and rings apply to all. I do understand what you’re trying to say but it wouldn’t give a Ret a one hander or a shield or vice versa.
However the emissary regularly likes to give me a shield, which was a slap in the face when we were all struggling to get weapons xD.
They won’t fix it, because this way it’ll take you longer to grind out rewards you need, which keeps you playing longer, which means more money in the bank…
Yep, but there’s dps trinkets and then there’s universal trinkets. I’m happy to use a str/haste proc trinket when tanking (on use would be better). Haste helps me survive, str helps me survive, all good
A str/damage trinket… str helps me survive, damage less so. It’s an obvious distinction that they simply didn’t make.
It’s not a bug, but you won’t notice it if you play classes who have different main stats for different specs. A priest would always get a intellect trinket, while if you play a druid, you will get either a intellect or agility one, regardless of your own preference. As a priest you are at advantage this way, because you will always get the correct main stat, regardless of spec.
Yeah, I am not sure what the initial thought behind it was. It really doesn’t make sense as it is, as some classes are at a clear advantage with this system.
I’m a 372 ilvl protection, for the game I’m 378. Why? Because of useless gear in my bag with intellect or bad stats. It’s RNG… think Like you had no loot or you open a chest and it’s not your item, or low ilvl, or the mog you weren’t looking for.
If you’d think to that gear too much you’d get enraged, so… what about you had no loot? next time it would be better
Edit: trust me… better a good shard from that one than 200 war resources… THAT is a joke.