Edit: I’m not looking for more partners to play with for now, thanks to the players who added me!
I’m a friendly fire mage looking to find more friends (3vs3) to play with.
I’ve got the most experience playing with a sub rogue (both in 2s and 3s) but I’m willing to play anything that’s good as composition.
I have been up to 2440cr this season in 2s and I am at 2.1k in 3s. I have been at 2.1k the last season in both brackets.
I play most evenings from 7pm and I can play more during the weekend days.
I finally got used to playing with voice so I can do that of course.
My goal is to find more stable partners so I can practice more, to eventually try to reach the next tier (Elite) in 3vs3 with my mage.
If you are interested feel free to add me on bnet Saeth#21626 and/or discord spektral#6104 !
I have started gearing my horde mage, so I can now also queue in the horde, even though I’d prefer playing in Alliance if possible because my gear is nearly maxed out on that character.