[A][H] Magtheridon <Exile> casual HC raiding guild Recruiting

We run one casual Heroic raiding team that raids 2 evenings a week for 2 hours per raid (Wed & Sun).

We prefer to raid less hours with more focus to clear the raid every week. We have achieved Ahead of the Curve every patch. In return for your raid service, we offer social events, mythic+ runs most evenings, master crafters of all professions, a knowledge rich roster and much much more.
Social are also welcome.
Raiding recruitment:
Tank DH, Restoration Shaman,feral Druid and ANY Monk.

If you are interested in joining us feel free to jump into our Discord https://discord.gg/nKdBu4eXJT 2 or send a message - details below.
Server: EU - Magtheridon

Battle.net - elfinka #2375 or miriql #1531
Discord - elfiexile or miriql

Thank you!

UPDATE ON Raiding recruitment:
Tank (DH, DK, Warrior ) and Restoration Shaman

Thank you.

Update on **Raiding recruitment:
Tank - DH, DK, Warrior or Paladin


Update on raiding recruitment:

We’re looking for tanks: DH, DK
We’re looking for DPS: Mage, Evoker (Aug is also good)

Update on roles and classes we are recruiting:

Tanks - 1x Prot Warrior, Blood Death Knight, Vengeance Demon Hunter, Guardian Druid, or Brewmaster Monk.
Healers - 1x Preservation Evoker.
DPS - 1x Fury/Arms Warrior, 1x Rogue, 2x Mage, 1x Balance Druid, 1x Devastation/Augmentation Evoker, 1x Shadow Priest.