[A/H-N] Campaign: Return of the Damned - Dunes of Desolace. 13-24th of September!


Return of the Damned is back with another Campaign after the Broken Isles campaign!

In the history of the Return of the Damned, we’ve been to Northrend several times, seen Eastern Kingdoms, Pandaria, Broken Isles! And now it’s time for Kalimdor!

Campaign Story Intro

The Cenarion Circle located in the restored nature of Karnum’s Glade in Descolace has been reporting strange behaviour from the local Centaur, Quillboar to the North-East and Ogres from the South. Attacks on travelers beyond the borders of their settlements, raids on local camps and even an attack on an Horde outpost up in Stonetalon by the Quillboar has the Cenarions on high alert. There is much movement on all fronts and the big puzzle is. They don’t know why. Especially all three different tribes that seem to be suddenly aggressive.

The Cenarions have turned to the Horde and the Alliance both in the area, and both factions pledged to assist them. Local officers knowing full well they currently lack resources and troops to assist them, they send out a letter to High Command who begins assembling a response force suited for the task.

OOC Info and F.A.Q

This thread is the main forum post for this campaign set for the 13th till 24th of September. We have come to the conclusion this fits best for the Hosts and people as August tends to be the holiday where a lot of people are gone for a while!

Horde, Alliance, Neutral!
Alliance has a set of Hosts preparing everything and getting things ready, as well as doing so for the Horde. However compared to last campaigns there is no dedicated Horde Hosting team. However due to 9.2.5 we can now more easily host events cross-faction and will mostly hold events in this campaign where the Hordes can join the Alliance in their events.

Neutrals can do the same thing and join events from the Alliance!

While there are some horde DM’s and a horde Host, depending on how many horde DM’s we get, we may not have a dedicated horde event every night. However there will always be cross-faction events and this is the focus of the Campaign in general anyway!

Is this RP-PvP?
Nope, absolutely just a full RP-PvE campaign!

F.A.Q and General Info
The knowledge of trouble brewing to the west in Kalimdor is spreading quickly, though the threat is dim, it seems to increase on a weekly basis to the point where both Capitals were aware. (Players can know about the problems by local newspapers, info news boards, etc)

Where is this Campaign being held?
It’s held in Kalimdor! we will be utilizing Descolace, Stonetalon Mountains and Feralas, ofcourse keeping details away for spoiler reasonsss!

How many attendees?
This strictly depends on the amount of DM’s we receive for both Horde and Alliance. We aim to give every DM roughly 15 to max 20 players for events, or more, if they are comfortable with such.

At the moment we’re early into announcing and getting people onboard still so we can’t be certain when we can clarify how many can join. As it stands we’re sitting on about 60-80 alliance spots and 20-40 Horde spots. (Neutrals included on both faction sides)

How will my character / guild know about this campaign?
As mentioned above, news of the local threat would have spread and the High Commands on both factions are recruiting people!

Where will we be stationed for the duration of the Campaign
Karnum’s Glade in Descolace. It is the main hub for this Campaign for both factions and neutrals!

Are Individuals allowed to partake?
Ofcourse! they are welcome just like guilds!

The Cenarion Circle?
The Cenarion Circle takes the lead in this Campaign who talk directly to the Leaders of the Alliance and the Horde.

Alliance Leadership

High Command: Jessina Arthor
Active Commanding Officer: Crawder
Officers: Troy Ragnor, Layla Flowershroud.

Horde Leadership

High Command: Highlord Grimfang
Representative: Chebonaga Runesnout (Tauren Cenarion Circle)
Officers: -

Neutral Leadership?

Neutrals will be joining the Alliance / Horde events and do not have their own leadership / hosts for this campaign

How do i sign up for the Campaign?

You can sign up by reacting to this post with a simple sign up sheet you can copy-paste below here!

Sign up info

Guild or Individual Name: Silvershield Company
Contact: Jessína (Other officers etc)
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: 10

It’s understandable your guild numbers may change over the months towards the campaign, just let us know!

Campaign scheduling

Schedule for this Campaign!

  • 13th: Arrival Day in Descolace, Everybody gathers in Karnum’s Glade.
  • 14th: Event day.
  • 15th: Event day.
  • 16th: Rest day - Meeting to get people up to speed and what’s to come next.
  • 17th: Event day.
  • 18th: Big Main Event!
  • 19th: Rest day, meeting to get people up to speed and what’s to come next.
  • 20th: Event day.
  • 21st: Event Day.
  • 22nd: Rest day - Meeting to prepare for the final event!
  • 23rd: Finale day.
  • 24th: Medal Ceremony.

For any further questions or info, you can always contact me ingame or on discord.

Campaign Discord.

After signing up, you can join the Campaign discord with the link below, it should be a permanent link.

It is on this discord you will be able to sign up for events, get all info and so forth.

Discord join link!


Sign ups for this Campaign are Capped as to keep a healthy numbers of participants vs DM’s! If a cap is reached, other numbers will be put on reserve.

Alliance Guilds (105-105)

  • Aquila Company (Tsurigan, Malcanth) 5-10
  • Ironheart (Crawder) 8-12
  • Highland Warriors 2-6
  • Bladed Arrow 3-4 (Avanera)
  • Alliance Salvaging and Procurement (Lochton) 1-2
  • Arathor Horse Lords (Berach, Adjuration, Homie, Zachery) 6-10
  • The Blackcoated (Thayér, Macabres, Obiwân) 5-10
  • Eleventh Airborne Patrol (Kaladén, Troyragnor, Warritroy) 7.
  • The Iscaria (Alevara, Ernust) 5-10
  • Clan Stormheart (Throrgàr, Grongul) 2-5.

Alliance Individuals (105-105)

  • Sara Leoron (Blondinsara)
  • Feylanne Autumnshade (Feylanne)
  • Vastarian Parts (Vaast)
  • Thesalese Leaflance (Thesalese)
  • Daniella Kendell (Khadidjah)
  • Mikaelia Wick (Mikaelia)
  • John Sam (Byzantinsk)
  • Grethlem Meltherne (Meltherne)
  • Anna Morton (Mortón)
  • Aeonia Dreadmoon (Scàrs)
  • Alyna Dawncloud (Dawncloud)
  • Faelune Mistfang (Faelune)
  • Jack Grimsdale (Arroweyejack)
  • Circil Shadegear / Judeline Highwall (Shadegear, Judelíne, 1 person)
  • Yoren Coalguard (Kiwislice)
  • Torryk Ironskin (Torryk)
  • Rune (Lexicus)
  • Aston Bravenfield (Custodilor, DM)
  • Elinaeei Swiftdawn (Elinaei, DM)
  • Khazmar

Horde Guilds (77-85)

  • The Frozen Paw Clan (Vivian(overhaul) 2-5
  • Sin Anore (Alyrienne, Veridana, Ivoren, Vanerria) 1-4
  • The Crimson Scripture (Ássina/Assina/Sylnoora) 3-5
  • The Dreadforce (Cathik, Lethvies, Epidaeus) 3-4
  • Iron Wolf Clan (Redcleaver, Goresong) 10.
  • Dust Scavengers (Kheenah, Oari, Niko, Xanoxis) 10.

Horde Individuals (77-85)

  • Rok’shar Netherhowl (Netherhowl)

Neutral Guilds (Total numbers counted on Alliance / Horde)

  • The Ashen Phoenix (Vlarena, Nefaraty, Taneren) 15-20 [H]
  • The Thalassian Accord (Valínera, Melindi) 4-8 [A]
  • Blackwall (Alstabyou, Helhathfury, Dragonbané) 3-5 [H]
  • Unity Council (Kayzel [H]|Imizael [A]) 5 [A-H]

Neutral Individuals (Total numbers counted on Alliance / Horde)

  • Silvirin Winterwind (Silvirin) [A]
  • Borogg Stonefist (Maraella?) [A]
  • Night Bloodmoon (Nightcatx) [A]
  • Novara Silverwing (Novã) [A]
  • Lelyssa Nightfae (Lelyssa) [A]
  • Morindae Darkwood [A]
  • Kemuro (Kemuro) [H]
  • Viroz Shadesworn (Viroz) [H]
  • Moonfaze [H]
  • Yakari Proudhood (Yakari) [H]
  • Onzastrasza [H]

Incase sign ups are full, people will be put on a reserve list, entry first goes from top to bottom, both seperate for Alliance and Horde. (Neutrals will be counted on either alliance or horde side depending on their faction and get in their respective waiting list)

Alliance Reservists
1 - Section Seven. (Ecireth, Kajgren) 5-10
2. Aenasha.
3. Arric.
4. Aethric (Ufthredh)
5. Ysgallen
6. Roliver, Lidias and Balgir (Contact Roliver)

Horde Reservists

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Guild: Aquila Company
Contact: Tsurigan, Malcanth
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: 5-10


Guild or Individual Name: Sara Leoron
Contact: Blondinsara
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: myself


Guild or Individual Name: Feylanne Autumnshade
Contact: Feylanne
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: Me, myself and I


Guild or Individual Name: Ironheart
Contact: Crawder
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: 8-12


Guild or Individual Name: Vastarian Parts
Contact: Vaast
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: 1, being me.


Posted on the wrong char WOOPS. xD

Guild or Individual Name: Summer Sullivan
Contact: Leafgang
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: 1

(Signing up as individual)

Also signing up for a friendo’s guild as he has bnet issues:

Guild or Individual Name: Highland Warriors
Contact: Arensan
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: 2-6 (currently recruiting)


Guild or Individual Name: Alliance Salvaging And Procurement.
Contact: Director Jeremy S. Lochton.
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: 1-3

It seems that we are to pack our bags once more. Of course, do not forget torches and lockpicks.


Guild: The Frozen Paw Clan
Contact: Overhaul (Vivian)
Faction: Horde
Estimated Numbers: 2-5


Individual Name: Thesalese Leaflance
Contact: Thesalese
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: 1

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Individual name: Borogg Stonefist
Contact: Borogg
Faction: Neutral
Estimated numbers: 1

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Guild or Individual Name: Silvirin Winterwind
Contact: Silvirin
Faction: Neutral
Estimated Numbers: 1

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Individual: Daniella Kendell
Contact: Khadidjah
Faction: Alliance
Estiamted numbers: Myself

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Individual Names: Mikaelia Wick, John Sam, Grethlem Meltherne, Anna Morton.
Contact: Mikaelia (For Mikaelia Wick), Byzantinsk (For John Sam), Meltherne (For Grethlem Meltherne), Mortón (For Anna Morton)
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: 4, Me and my friends.


Individual: Ebon Darkhound
Contact: Ebonhound
Faction: Alliance
Estimated numbers: 1


Individual: Night Bloodmoon
Contact: Nightcatx
Faction: Neutral/Alliance
Estimated numbers: 1


Individual Name: Aeonia Dreadmoon
Contact: Scàrs
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: 1

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Guild Name: Section Seven
Contact: Ecireth, Kajgren
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: 5 to 10


Guild: Arathor Horse Lords
Contact: Berach, Adjuration, Homie, Zachery
Faction: Alliance
Numbers: 6-10

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