It’s more then fine to host events later, i’m likely sure there will be people even most interested in such for some of the more late folks who work later hours.
Join the discord, give me a poke and i’ll sign you as DM!
We do in fact have a meeting this saturday as DM’s from 20:00 to discuss the plans ahead for the campaign.
Turns out that I won’t be able to attend this as much as I wanted and I will be signing out of campaign (horde individual Amos Palerunner). I may show myself around the camp for some rp but I don’t want to take spot on events from people that may enjoy it.
Hey hey, i updated the sign up list with all the most recent sign ups, some of them are on reserve due to alliance, others on Horde have been signed up.
Tentatively signing up as an individual!
Contact: Gwydhienne/Gwyddhienne
Faction: Alliance/Neutral
Est. Numbers: 1, possibly two if I can convince a friend to come with!