[A/H (N) RP] Sisterhood of the Serpent - UNDERMINE! Representing the Blackwater Cartel!

The Sisterhood is currently in Booty Bay. Enjoying the beaches.

Those long golden, pirate infested beaches.

Weā€™re back in Orgrimmar for about a week!

Open to recruiting new initiates while evaluating the current readiness of our current initiates to ascend in their current states, currently!

And then weā€™ll go to Uldum for a week I guess maybe weā€™ll see.

Can anybody recommend crowded spaces other than Booty Bay, Stormwind City and Darkshire? :two_hearts:


I keep seeing lot of my Bnet peeps in Shattrath and Jade Forest.

'cause these dumbos wonā€™t bump their own thread.

Apparently theyā€™re fun or something, I dunno. Poke them and find out.

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Merry Hissmas from yours truly!



Something stirrs beneath the sands of Uldum. Sisters have traveled there to investigate.

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The Swewpwent Swisterwood! OwO (They know what they did)


I hope that implies they have made first contact with the Vulpera.

Because weā€™re awesome. We spice up every living room.


Yes you are! Speaking of which, the Sisterhood is indeed on the lookout for sneaky and intelligent women, which does include our new vulperan friends. Currently you can find us in Uldum, where youā€™ll have ample chance to sweep us off our feet with your skill and attitude.

Yes, feet. Snakes have feet now. Live with it

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Weā€™re in old Uldum though! Not because wah wah OOCers but because otherwise weā€™d be the only ones RPing in new Uldum! That would be a bit lonely. D:


A couple of our members had a good time at the Pandaria ā€˜Love Festivalā€™.
Indeed our resident Demon Hunter even got a valentine days card.

Granted she wrote it herself, signed it herself and send it to herself but it still counts.

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Iā€™ll have you know that card was from Lorā€™themar, and you canā€™t prove otherwise.


In Orgrimmar, where weā€™ll probably stay for six months whilst people make a decision. We think slowly.

But we kill quickly. Usually. Sometimes it goes wrong. But not often. Worth hiring. Totally.


Back in Uldum for someā€¦ reason. Dreadful place. Sand everywhere and the locals speak gibberish.

Picked up two new candidates though and they seem plucky.


After taking a lengthy and enjoyable trial we say hell to a new initiate ā€“ Sylrise.

Grats gal.

Hopefully weā€™ll see some more initiates and some more scales in the near future. If interested in joining or contracting the Sisterhood we can currently be found in (old) Uldum once more.


Looking forward to join, Just waiting for a good way to join the guild ICly

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After taking a lengthy and enjoyable trial we say hello to a new initiate ā€“ Necrotess.

Grats gal.

The Sisterhood can now be found in Ogrimmar, haunting the tail and occasionally sitting in a hut of mushrooms.

Also, we say hello, not hell. Weā€™re perfect assassins, not linguists.

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And so the sisters find themselves in Pandaria, once again fighting a foe with impossible numbers. Just another day on the job. It should prove a great trial by fire for the new candidates and initiates.

In the meanwhile some old sisters have returned, sparking a teary eyed family reunion.

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:clap: Now that Mama Snake can edit the OP again, I feel comfortable to announce that there are a few micro-adjustments to ranks coming soon!

Six (!) initiations are pending in Orgrimmar. Our goal is to resolve this issue fast!

This unfortunately means that weā€™ll be saying no to contracts throughout probably all of April. Maybe weā€™ll change our minds mid-April. No promises.

While weā€™re working out initiations, our sisters wonā€™t be sitting idle, of course. Some internal storylines and more personal missions will be brewing. :clap: Canā€™t wait.


The sisters are on a loyalist hunt, currently find themselves hiding from rain wind and thunder in a barn. They may be cornered, and worse sharing the barn with a bunch of rude trolls, but as far as bad situations go this isnā€™t so bad.