[A/H (N) RP] Sisterhood of the Serpent - UNDERMINE! Representing the Blackwater Cartel!

After taking a lengthy and enjoyable trial we say hello to a new scale – Ghrik.

Grats gal.

Also we say a welcome return to Rin’elle and Xiejia.

The Sisterhood can now be found in Ogrimmar, recruiting and skulking.

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Immortalized! I cracked the system!

Read all about it on page 3 here!


Give it up for our operatives not ending up in the obituary section.

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We’ve been busier than we look :eyes:

After a few campaigns, smaller plots and lots of social RP behind us, we’re looking ahead to transition into 9.0 - fittingly starting with a murder mystery in Zandalar. Some of our initiates may well bump into a familiar sense of foreboding… soon :eyes:

After taking a lengthy and enjoyable trial we say hello to new scales - Raven and Katiekat.

Grats gals!

Also we say a welcome return to Rin’elle and Xiejia.

The Sisterhood can now be found in Ogrimmar. Waiting for shadowlands and unicorns.

And bread. We need bread. And milk. Oh and cheese. General dairy products really.

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Recent plot developments allowed us to… loosen up (shut up) our restrictions when it comes to recruitment.

As of now, Aspirants are our lowest tier, situated just outside of the confines of true Sisterhood’s intimate (i said shut up) circles. Aspirants have yet to go through their very own trials and tribulations to prove worthy of initiation into the Sisterhood.

Where previously we tested every doubtful candidate by sending them to pick pockets from other players, or outright kidnap or rob said players, we now place Aspirants under the Scales’ care, where they will be trained, tried, tested and eventually found worthy (or unworthy) of swearing an oath for life. (or unlife, as some cases may be)

Aspirants will get their own meeting spot which will double as training grounds.

‘But Raki,’ I hear you ask. ‘My character is PERFECT! What if they don’t NEED to train?’ To this I say: Complacency, complacency, complacency. True mastery comes from acknowledging the importance of the basics, and the fact that perfection is a goal, not a destination. If a character is so ‘perfect’ as to not need training, instruction, or otherwise, then you’ll have to forgive our character for shooting miles past your character’s perfection. But I digress.

Aspirants get the benefit of not being sworn in yet, ergo having the time to take in the guild and decide if it’s for them or not.

On the other hand Aspirants don’t enjoy the benefit of joining us on contracts (always from player-characters), partaking in our rituals, or wearing our snazzy tabard. They also fall under a strict inactivity limit of 14 days. If we don’t see you for 2 weeks, no hard feelings. You may try again after some time, in the event those 14 days of inactivity were the result of an IRL circumstance.

They are however allowed on tasks and missions (both of which are the vast majority of events & RP as it is!)

Lastly, I don’t think it gets articulated enough how we aren’t big fans of recruiting-new-members-off-the-street. And I don’t mean the organic kind. I mean either the headhunting kind with no meaningful prompt, or the stand-before-your-guild-flag kind.

As a guild we crave excitement, so the best way to leave a lasting impression is to join us by getting in trouble, or via a private, personal, set-up event.

Just get in touch with us if you’d like to organize something like that!

Oh, and. Shower. Definitely shower. Daily.


After a brief semi-hiatus, we’re blazing trails starting February! In the same spirit, we’re looking forward to dipping our toes into accepting more races! Though, anything human, dwarven, gnomish, night/void elven, worgen or draenic will likely be restricted to alts for starters, as we don’t think new guildies from those races will feel comfortable spending extended periods outside of Stormwind without having already spent some time with our community beforehand! So if you want in, make sure you’re a sister already!

This sounds counter-productive to who we are, yes, but trust us - if you’re not quite ready to commit yet, Hordeside will be easier to slip into RP as!

But Bestu! How do I know I’m a sister already?

Jeez, Louise. If you were, you wouldn’t have to ask!

We’re still open to antagonist groups or characters! Poke Raki in our discord to discuss, but be warned! Low fantasy crim-crims are… I don’t know, not enough. But if you have a grandiose high-fantasy idea? Our discord doors are open for you!

Dragged these sisters out on a spontaneous adventure earlier today - and had an absolute blast DMing for them!

Couldn’t wish for a better team of badguy beating go-getters; next time there’s trouble, I know who to call!



New troll here!
this band of ladies are fun to watch and listen too levitation and costume changes are all part of being a master sneak


Back in (a shocking twist of events) Orgrimmar now, we’re putting all of our eggs in one basket just to help one sister find out more about the predicaments that had been ailing her since (almost) her very own initiation!

So if you’re looking to apply to us, you’re free to hit us up there or in the surrounding area!

Given how things are looking, we may not be setting out for Booty Bay until the 20th or so!

But once we’re there, we’ve had ideas. Beach parties, grill, alchemy, gambling, you name it!


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You guys are great!


I’ve been doing some thinking, and I think that after such a long time of persistently existing, we’re quite ready to start looking for long-term business collaborations.

We’re talking inns, shops, entertainment, maybe more - predominantly the kind that caters to neutral/cross-faction RP! We’re talking management, supplies, maybe protection if want/need be!

If you are or know any such initiatives that may qualify, we’d like to know about them! Or :call_me_hand: just the same!

I’m sure we can work something out :eyes:

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I realize we don’t post much here! Our recruitment is currently on hold, but we’re open to collaboration again starting mid-April, and since we’ll be in Booty Bay too, we’re always, always, always open to shenanigans and helping the hub over there welcome, well, newcomers!

Meanwhile, here’s what we’ve been up to:
:exclamation: Spoiler Warning :exclamation:


Another one bites the dust! Based on the intel leading the sisters to their target’s location in Feralas, the band of assassins and aspirants came across an abandoned gnoll camp… then they found the gnolls… An unholy mass of stitched furry flesh, teeth and bones almost brought them to an unsavoury end were it not for their tenacity winning them the fight. The beast could not be killed however, as the sorceress Shadebough, now aware of their presence, empowered the flesh creature and had it give chase.
With quick thinking, the sisters stayed out of reach with a hasty retreat and pressed on toward their hunt.
Overcoming many magical obstacles along the way, they faced unforeseeable odds when battling the sorcerer, eventually bringing her to kneel at their mercy.
She bargained for her life, promising them the answers they sought. They saw something within her, a shell of the person she once was, could she truly want redemption?
Konrad’s mercy was not so easily received, as before Therlonen could tell them his location, her brain was attacked by a spell likely even she was unaware of.

The sisters have another clue to his whereabouts. But could Shadebough have actually betrayed her master? Was there a shred of the woman she once was still within her? Sadly, we will never know.

The Barrens

An agent of Konrad. A complicit extension of his will.

The Sisters firstly set their sights upon the trail of Agent Cassandra - having been revealed as another experiment focused upon phantasmal subterfuge - who was the last person to see Raven alive before her supposed death.

The trail was cold, but present. Examination of the crater revealed the potential true fate of Raven; not death, but reclused within the Realm of Shadows to heal and recover from her near fatal duel against Agent Cade . With alchemical know-how, the Sisters discovered a ghostly trail that took them over mountains, marshland and the broken ruins of Theramore to discover Agent Cassandra - sadly, it seems a third party has entered the picture… a Dark Ranger , formerly assisting the agent, delivered her to Fate before Agent Cassandra uttered her last words. Despite a brief chase, the Dark Ranger escaped.


Duelist. Illusionist. Widow. Of her own making.

The sisters’ job was conceptually simple; deliver Valessia to Fate. Conceptually. The reality proved to be far more difficult, even for the most talented of the Sisterhood.

The Sisters first encountered her on the pavillion - only to be met with an illusion. And thus began the chase over the rooftops of Suramar enjoying the festivities upon its moonlit streets.

DeVaux was worthy of the excessive attention thrown at her - toying and ducking and diving over rooftops and deploying her illusionist cantrips to confuse and turn the Sisters against each other unwittingly.

But a lone spider runs the risk of wrapping herself up in her own web - and eventually, she cornered herself. The death was not merciful - not that the revelers could hear the screams.


The Sisters made their way to Winterspring, only to find themselves in an unnatural snowstorm, with their guide Zaxton frozen solid like a goblin popsicle. Making their way through, they’ve found a destroyed camp of Kirin Tor Leyline Observation Division, had to fend off possessed moonkin, before discovering what actually transpires: Mystrella Echowail , an agent of Konrad, and a possessed sapper crew, blasted open a leyline using Shadow-infused explosives, to tap power straight from a magical vein of the world, and transmit it to Konrad. Getting through the perils of a cave overflowing with raging mana storms, possessed sappers, and Mystrella’s own powers of Spellshadow, they managed to defeat her. With the rampant energies burning away Mystrella’s runes binding her to Konrad, in her last moments of clarity she decided to right her wrongs, overwhelmed herself with mana and exploded, collapsing the cave and sealing the bleeding leyline - with the Sisters barely escaping.

With a shard of the transmitter crystal in their grasp, the Sisters are now closer to Konrad than they ever were.

On a stop to Everlook, they find a girl from a photo they found on Zaxton 's frozen body. She was very happy about his passing.

On the side we’ve been, and still are, testing our most recent aspirants’ potential - but will there be enough time to fully recruit them before we’re called to duty? Stay tuned and find out!


With time on the wire, we can initiate a total maximum of 5 Aspirants before we’re headed for colder (lack of) pastures!

Catch is in Booty Bay until then. Maybe we’ll have a spontaneous pre-sail beach party. :beach_umbrella:

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Will send 10g to the first person who can point out the blatantly noticeable change in the OP.

By the way, this is our next stop: [A/H/N PVE RP] "The cackling deep!" - a FULL SCALE PvE campaign, 23rd to 31st July! (STARTING TOMORROW!)

There’s still room for last minute sign-ups, I believe!


A great if dubious bunch <3


Can’t let these bunch get locked up, leastways not on the forum… :blush:


I heard rumours that they can be found in Dalaran sometimes…


Rumours might be true… :eyes:


A shameless plug for this great bunch of eclectic wonderful people.