[A/H (N) RP] Sisterhood of the Serpent - UNDERMINE! Representing the Blackwater Cartel!

I'm looking forward to seeing emotes of handbags on the floor in the middle of the inn while drunkenly singing "I Will Servive."

Also who gets to be Scary Spice?
17/08/2017 13:33Posted by RĆ³xxĆ­
Also who gets to be Scary Spice?

Up here, shorty.
Might have to hire you lot. Goodness knows that capable mercs are a rare breed.
feminism has come to far, now in wow guilds! the defies 'brotherhood' has females ;(
17/08/2017 18:26Posted by RoĆ³ke
feminism has come to far, now in wow guilds! the defies 'brotherhood' has females ;(

'Brotherhoods' that accept 'sisters' are yet more proof that it takes a female to keep a sisterhood sisters-only.
In all honesty this looks like it will be a fantastic Guild and that its members are in for a lot of fun together :)

I wish you all the best of luck for all your adventures together :)
we barely have any active mercenaries on horde side and you restrict gender

are you kidding me
18/08/2017 16:09Posted by Athyro
we barely have any active mercenaries on horde side and you restrict gender

are you kidding me

How dare a person creates a guild the way they want to, shun them!
of course a female draenei would like it
18/08/2017 17:14Posted by Athyro
of course a female draenei would like it

Not sure if troll or not.

I don't intend on joining the guild, if that makes you feel any better. I support the idea of freedom of creativity, if the leader wishes to run the guild this way that's their decision to make and not yours. You're not forced to join it, nor are you forced to interact with them.

I can recommend the guild for others that are interested, the leader has always got some great stories to get people involved in.
18/08/2017 16:09Posted by Athyro
we barely have any active mercenaries on horde side and you restrict gender

are you kidding me

The Gilded Blades. The Blackguard. Technically the Wheel of Entropy. Gearfist IBS sometimes does mercenary work too. At least they used to.

If you're looking for a mercenary guild for your male hordeside character (assuming that is something you were implying, if not - this goes for whoseever chances you were bemoaning), I recommend you get in touch with any of the aforementioned guilds. Their respective guild masters are TeƔleaf, Vuai, Etzlicoatl, Kilgun. In that order.
18/08/2017 18:37Posted by Rakihu
The Gilded Blades. The Blackguard

that's 2

18/08/2017 16:09Posted by Athyro
we barely have any
18/08/2017 16:09Posted by Athyro
we barely have any active mercenaries on horde side and you restrict gender

are you kidding me

You're fussed about gender? It's hardly a big restriction. It could be restricted by something even more narrow, like race, and nobody would complain about that. But someone makes something for girls and suddenly, these limits are OPPRESSIVE and RESTRICTIVE!!! Go make a female character, lol.

Listen, you want a merc guild on Horde side, make one. Don't get upset that everyone isn't catering to your tastes specifically.
1 Like
I dont see a issue with gender restrictions. Alot of guilds on horde side have race restrictions and sometimes class restrictions such as no warlocks, dks and so on.
Let people RP the way they want to RP.
This name however just sounds naughty to me but maybe thats just me and my dirty mind!

Good luck!
21/08/2017 00:48Posted by Athyro
18/08/2017 18:37Posted by Rakihu
The Gilded Blades. The Blackguard

that's 2

18/08/2017 16:09Posted by Athyro
we barely have any

I'm sorry, you must be new to Horde.

21/08/2017 02:26Posted by Nodoka

This name however just sounds naughty to me but maybe thats just me and my dirty mind!

Good luck!

You naughty.
you must be new to Horde.

18/08/2017 16:09Posted by Athyro
we barely have any active mercenaries on horde side and you restrict gender

are you kidding me

The oathbound hounds are always looking for capable mercenaries of both genders. I believe there's also the new one Veladori did, Beak and Claws or something like that... Aaaand.... if you're elf I believe the Sun Thieves are taking up contracts.
Drunken footie game in Revantusk while waiting to head home, the drinking games are coming along yay.

We sure do need more vic.... uh people to drink with.
Hopefully next week we shall be able to swing by Orgrimmar to throw insults, rouse insecurities and make sailors blush inside the Wyvern's Tail. If so, this will be a good opportunity to hook up with us, because we'll be out venturing mere days later!

We've already been keeping two applicants waiting due to our current location so far. Won't be much longer, now!
Despite irritating cirucmstances, we're working hard on making Orgrimmar by either Tuesday or Sunday. If lucky and the former, expect some noise made by your friendly neighbourhood mercenaries. Also, what's the male equivalent of a muse?

Undercity this week is a thing though!