[A/H (N) RP] Sisterhood of the Serpent - UNDERMINE! Representing the Blackwater Cartel!

We find ourselves in Orgrimmar for the entire week.

We will feast, swear, drink and play games.

Be ready to surrender the Wyvern's Tail to ladies' nights!

Also, we recruit more easily until Sunday since we'll be in Orgrimmar. Beyond that? We'll see, but I guarantee we won't be around for longer than a week. After that, you can find us outside!

Point being, now is a good time to join! Or join in on drinking games. Either one works.

Also, tonight we were stacking cups in rounds - on a round table with a grill, at that. Whoever toppled got to drink as many cups as were toppled before starting over. Somehow, Rakihu didn't end up drinking a single drop, so she drank whatever the party left behind and paid for the feast. After smack-talking Wahn'sul and Zeep around a little, that is.

It turns out that blind trolls can still play.
Pushing for an insult contest this evening. With any luck, it'll happen! Probably followed by more drinking games.
Having a relatively tame round. Need more potty-mouths in our ranks soon!

I think everybody is afraid to pull the other over the edge though. We need to get rid of that filter. *nods*
We've got our ranks and ascension system down:

Boss - Head-honcho. Queen Cobra. Mama Snake. Rakihu Gorelash.
Eyes - A council of three: Strength (combat), Intelligence (information), Wit (tactics)
Fangs - Elite
Scales - Fully-fledged members of the Sisterhood
Worms - Initiates

Quartermaster - exempt from hierarchy, responsible for guild inventory

Recruitment and promotions shall occur by means of a trial made by the Eyes. There are three trials, one by each eye. Succeeding in at least 2 out of 3 trials is a pass. Success or failure is determined by none other than the eye who gave the trial.
Should there be less than three eyes, the boss fills in for the missing eyes.

Ceremonies require a tabard. Tabard is to be worn when under an active contract.
Outside of those two boundaries, tabard is voluntary.

These rules kick in the second we next leave Orgrimmar!
Neat looking guild! I may just have to swing by (not on this character, though. No, that'd be bad...)
03/09/2017 18:15Posted by Nemyth
Neat looking guild! I may just have to swing by (not on this character, though. No, that'd be bad...)

A demon huntress without substantial amounts of coin would be very bad, yes.

By the way, we've exited Orgrimmar. Rules kicking in, yay!
11/08/2017 17:24Posted by Rakihu
Non potes dicere Latine?
Per Ahenobarbum! Num mihi necnon unum aliquando lumen in barbaris tenebris saevisque huius regni lucere videtur?

Anyhow... When asking for a tabard from our great and best ever Quartermaster.......... ME! You better have the coin at the ready and a lot of begging and groveling... Muahahaha *Cough*

Eh... Nah just make sure to fill out all the forms i had a gob friend draw up for me. It is not like you are signing away your soul for Za'yaga to hex or curse.

*Blinks* Oh right... Uhh Do not read the fine print.
Iterum gratias ago Oculos, Sororitas Serpentis conscribere potest. Posthinc, catagrapha per Archivae Argenteae paraturus sumus.

(Ceterum, ad meam misericordiam, timeo Latine scabras esse sum.)
So where is the Sisterhood at in this day and age?
Orgrimmar, chilling, looking for contracts and enjoying their recent payouts.

Maybe we'll be barrelling through Felwood the coming week. Beware that any and all attempts to interact with or join us shall be thwarted with highly interactive RP!
Back from a contract that did not quite please Rakihu, the Sisterhood is once again open for business, free booze and new contract offers*.

For any upcoming applicants, one of the officers you will need to speak to, Za'yaga, won't be around until Sunday due to real life inconveniences. Leli (Terrorspark) and Fjern, however, are still around!

You can once again find us in Orgrimmar. We're online most evenings but some of us are also afternooners. Be warned, however, that most of us also have 10pm bedtimes!

That said, if you have difficulties getting in touch with us, feel free to drop a note here or hop onto our Discord and poke us.

*No job is too dirty for us *nudge nudge*

-...Because your guild seem nice. Best of luck!

~ Moo ^^
26/09/2017 12:14Posted by Banewalker

-...Because your guild seem nice. Best of luck!

~ Moo ^^

We like shameless and we like bulls.

Speaking of bulls: We've gotten ourselves a pet grimtotem cook for time being. - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/355706755382247424/363451617682522114/smooches.png

And should anyone be curious, we're coming for Quel'thalas next.

P.S.: We're in the market for a food tester. Prefer male.
We're currently in Silvermoon City, destabilizing the socially insecure blood elven population! :D

We also happen to be looking for contracts and any IC collaborations people might want to wish.

A Frightening Festival: Creaks, grunts and moans. An abundance of thriller and horror, ghostly wails that fill the atmosphere. That's right! It's Hallow's End, and Leli is organizing a party. It's bound to be dreadful, with plenty of candy. Activities will include visiting a haunted mansion, telling spooky stories, and a number of appropriately themed contests.

Costumes are mandatory.

The Festival is scheduled for the 21st of October, starting at 20.00 server time.

And if you were curious about the inner workings of our promotion system, Liz made this beautiful graphic chart that will explain everything: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/355706755382247424/365902753483980830/Super_snake.jpg
Hi! Just a friendly reminder that the Frightening Festival of ours is scheduled to happen on October 21st at 20:00 realm time in the central inn of Silvermoon...'s right half?-- THE EASTERNMOST INN BY MURDER ROW OKAY.*

Sadly I can't attend personally due to a seminary on how to better hack far-eastern martial arts teaching, but I'm positive it will be a blast, even without my graceful presence!

*disclaimer: If you're on time but they aren't there, they're probably visiting a haunted mansion.

P.S.: If you wanted to make it badly but absolutely haven't come upon anyone in the inn, feel free to whisper a fellow sister about it. Terrorspark (Leli by IC-name) is the organizer.
Ahehhehheee! Come one, come all, my pretties! Our Hallow's End celebrations are due to start in just over an hour, and I'm sure Leli would love more attendees! She apparently has quite the evening planned for us!
The night was a success! The Sisterhood managed to lure a few elves to join us in our celebration which involved fabulous costumes, trick or treating, fun social games, and a haunted mansion that sent the accompanying elves running with their proverbial tails between their legs! (And left the Sisters just as spooked.)

Much fun was had and it lasted for quite a while. Thank you to everyone who attended, and of course a round of applause for the organizer, Terrorspark aka Leli.

Here's to hoping maybe Winter's Veil will bring us a similar night of fun!
After a successful heist, the Sisterhood made their exit out of Silvermoon City and set up camp comfortably between the East Sanctum, Farstrider Retreat, and Tor'watha, where they have begun assessing their options.

The first topic on the table were, naturally, the native Amani tribes who were left without a strong military alliance, much less a capable army after having been sacked twice, utterly defeated far abroad, and subsequently invaded by demons, only to be smacked by blood elves once more. The grand debate of the night was whether the nearest Amani village and its inhabitants should be extorted, raided, or outright sacked - all of which naturally included the idea of poisoning the populace.

Of course, being the honest and upstanding mercenariae they are, eyes are set on potential employers from Fairbreeze Village or Farstrider Retreat.

We brought casks of wine with us, so whatever the outcome, we can perfectly wine and dine in Quel'thalas when we so please.
Tonight, the Sisterhood earned their oil money by pillaging an entire village through poisoning, deception and arson. They left the village alone right after they'd recommended themselves for hire in the future and made off with all the valuables. (which included stripping loa priests and guardians bare-- and of course kidnapping the village chief and hiding him like a wrapped up Winter Veil present with broken legs)

This is our idea of leaving a job application for a potential employer.