[A/H (N) RP] Sisterhood of the Serpent - UNDERMINE! Representing the Blackwater Cartel!

I just realized the map link in the OP was outdated. Updated now!
One Winter Veil party on the 18th, and right after that we'll be on our way to Orgrimmar in search of fortune.

( Or a job in Ashenvale or Northern Barrens - please hire us? We'll even mark and/or take things that are not yours and force your generousity down our victims' throats*. :* )

*Standard disclaimer: Throats and veins, although not necessarily the same part of any living race's body, will sometimes be interpreted interchangably to accommodate for the use of absolutely super ethical floral, faunal or hybrid substances that have a reputation of solving all (or most) of your problems in one fell swoop.
We're back in Orgrimmar, letting off some steam. May or may not smuggle ourselves aboard a luxury yacht in the coming days~
It's Christmas in a few days, so in case you've been trying to reach out to us ingame and we haven't gotten back to you, please have some understanding.

I shall try to be there for you though.
Yesterday we were busy getting with the beat on some goblin's yacht until but a few hours ago.

So if you were looking for us, that's where we were. All. Night. Long.
<insert images of lewd Warcraft disco here>

Headache levels were high for at least one of us the next morning after.

I would actually have taken screenshots, but the dancefloor was waaaaaaaaaaaayyy too busy for me to catch a break)
Merry Winter Veil from the Sisterhood with love!
Good news, everyone!

I'm properly available again. :>
The Sisterhood of the Serpent wishes everybody a Happy New Year!

More and more of us will progressively be there again to create progressively awkward social situations only for you!
Greetings Argent Dawn!

There are going to be at least two informative events this month that your character could attend to inform herself about the Sisterhood and decide whether she would like to become part of it or not.

Get in touch with me to find out more, or let a Snake-Sister give you one of our pamphlets paired with an instant calendar invite!

Consensual commitments only - best way to find out more IC is by getting in touch directly!

Tasks start piling up and gear begins to adjust as we prepare for our next job in the icy cold of Northrend.

We believe in consequent RP, so depending on the interactions ongoing and the tasks done or left unfinished by the deadline in February, it will reflect upon our ability to perform and survive.

Come join us in our journey. And bring thick skin.

Tomorrow we're on the high sea, pirati-- I mean privateering our way to Uldum for the Horde. Yes.

Catch us there if you're lucky? Maybe we'll buy a slave before we move on to Northrend by puppy-eyed portal, but anyway.

Tuesday is Cruiseday.
Our cruise is nearing its end as our delightful ship's captain is about to drop us off in Uldum.

With that said, we are currently open to accepting 3 new applicants!

Seize your opportunity in Uldum Feb 5th - Feb 8th! Any applicants we bump into in Uldum have the opportunity to experience the challenge of extreme adaptability as we next enter a campaign in Northrend!

We accept contracts purely from player characters, so if you like collaboration, you like social RP and social character development, and on top of that enjoy a hedonistic environment of women (and happen to be female of character, duh, it's a sisterhood) - Seize your opportunity now!

Feb 5th - Feb 8th

We will be expecting you!


P.S.: artsies will get the luxury of mingling among more artsies
Do you like fun in the sun?
Do you like being out and about people?
Do you hate cold places like Northrend yet are okay with going there if offered a fat paycheck?
Are you tired of comfort zones?

We're looking for hedonistic alcoholics who can fight hard, fight smart, have no qualms applying poisons, explosives, bottomless (or spike-bottomed) pits, and (disposable) men in place of raw force, are okay with attacking from above, below or behind, and forgot how shame works.

You have until February 8th to find us in Mar'at, Uldum and join up! We will also be briefly sneaking over to Silithus for sight-seeing but shhhh!

So what are you waiting for? Post here, come join us on our discord, come seek us out ingame!

Almost all applicant spots are gone!


P.S.: We wanna squeeze in a game or two of roll-based volleyball before we go to Northrend.
7 sisterly months in, have yet to become a
lesbian ERP fest

Will we ever get there? Apply today to find out! ;)
12/02/2018 14:27Posted by Rakihu
7 sisterly months in, have yet to become a
lesbian ERP fest

12/02/2018 14:27Posted by Rakihu
7 sisterly months in, have yet to become a
lesbian ERP fest

Will we ever get there? Apply today to find out! ;)

I'm so proud of you <3
Forum keeps preventing me from logging in reeeee

I forgot what I wanted to post a week ago, but know that we'll be back on Kalimdor and to recruitment from the circa 23rd.
Hello my faves,

We're currently passing through Gadgetzan and on our way to the Echo Isles. Leave a message here, find us ingame, on our discord or our battle.net group (evveeerrrryyything on page 1 at the very top!) if you'd like to embrace your new future as a fanatical drunken snake who loooooves living on the edge with others.

We are currently working on personalizing everybody's story in the guild a little more. Loose ends, new challenges, unsettled grudges, that sort of thing.

and finally playing a damn game of volleyball :cccccc

So come join us and experience sisterly love within a snake pit of tsundere, yandere, herbs and no filters or dampeners whatsoever.

No boys, sorry.
unless they can cook, clean, sing, do our laundry and not disrupt our work flow and lifestyle

And leave likes so we can feel better about ourselves.

~Raki <3

P.S.: LF rivalries. Groups and guilds of either faction and either gender (shock!) may apply.
Prefer something with potential for long-term RP and win/loss tradeoffs. And sometimes silly outcomes too.
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We made it to Orgrimmar!

It is time to force volleyball onto people...
Had some fun interactions with this lot in Stonetalon. Overall really nice people, can definitely recommend.