[A/H (N) RP] Sisterhood of the Serpent - UNDERMINE! Representing the Blackwater Cartel!

Two games of roll-based volleyball were had in Orgrimmar within the past two weeks! I dare say that the system is a success, though it needs a little more tweaking.

How are you doing, my pidgeons? We are currently spending quality time in Orgrimmar. Come RP with us as you please, whether you intended on joining us or not, we are thrilled to have these quality interactions with you guys! <3

And as always, we are only taking jobs from player characters. Until the next job we'll be busy doing personal stuff for each of our characters. We have also become slightly more active on the afternoons throughout weekends.

Looking forward to RPing with you!
Sitting by the water meditating, Anameha heard the whispers again "Come to us" "Give in to us" "We will consume all".
Her concentration broke and she shuddered, with a sad huff she stared out over the waters her gaze empty and sad.

A few hours later her mood changed to one of agitation and unease, her tail and ears giving her away as they twitched.

The change in mood, came with the confirmation off her worries, her old warband definitely were after the tear of earth, with little time Anameha set off to secure travel arrangements and the sisters.

"Time to skin some old friends" she muttered.

Currently we are doing my taurens story event, hopefully with and epic end to it and lots of loot and closure.
Hmm this tread needs more booze....and food we really need food lot and lots of juicy steaks, roasts, turkey legs and fries.

Rakihu why didnt we bring our boy.... uh mascots im sure he wouldnt mind being a burger.
Oh my god after long months of browser/IP-related problems I can post again.

So we've been hired to safeguard an event ( https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17618112773?page=1 ) and given maximum freedom in how we operate.

The IC pay is lucrative and we are short on personnell, therefore:

We are looking for temporary guildies - there will be next to nil application processes you have to worry about.

What's in it for you? I'm glad you asked!
You get to:
  • Meet new characters (and people) you can build consistent RP relationships with (useful for finding the right guilds or events later on :))
  • Relatively peaceful and calm RP (criminal RPers in our community tend to cause less drama among each other during networking events; there is no guarantee for this)
  • No restrictions (doesn't mean you get to kill any troublemakers without consent
  • No laws to abide by (You're your own boss! Mostly.)
  • Potential permanent guild membership (you get to experience our guild environment (including discord) until the 29th and maybe get your character included into the Sisterhood! Will be discussed individually)
  • And of course lucrative IC payment

Interested? Drop by our discord (https://discord.gg/ZmFBupt) or battle.net group ( https://blizzard.com/invite/yPkVJIa2r ), drop me a whisper ingame, send me ingame mail or add Tumbleweed#2843 to get in touch and get started!
We will of course need you available for the event in question!

A few spots in the Council have also become vacant. Want to have a say in how we shape our community? Now's your chance!
It turns out that I have to clear my battle.net cookies every time I want to post anything on these forums. :(

In other news, we are still looking! Deadline is the 28th at 7:45pm!
Here's to another bump! Event starts at 20:30 PM, I expect the sisters to be around at 20:00.
Thanks for being lovely (and loyal) Peacekeepers at the Grimey Gulley!
New trial system is a thing!

Essentially this is still WIP, but the idea is a 2 or 3 step ritual.

1) the participant is to imbibe a drink that goes by the name of 'Serpent's Blood'.
2) depending on how the concoction will be refined, it will either induce strong hallucinations (this is my goal because here I can offer participation for those already guildies to make it a more interactive experience) or force its imbiber into a state of unconsciousness (this is the current format, it takes place on a very personal level for the one character, but zero involvement from other characters) wherein the participant's mind has to resist the temptation of eternal slumber.
3) the participant is tried and tested under the strength-intelligence-wit principle - to use one's strengths and information to determine the right timing and circumstance to solve a problem.

As a participant ascends in ranks throughout the sisterhood, these trials grow increasingly personal, risky and difficult.

I would like to refine this system into an amazing and personally touching RP experience but for that I will require your help by applying to us or recommending us to others!

And of course lots of feedback will help me tremendously in this venture.

Furthermore, I plan on offering the guild 2 scheduled days per week. One of these is for training or hired missions, and the other is for socializing.

Training will entail mostly assassination techniques and information gathering techniques. For the combat aspect we will rotate focus on a 4-week basis. Week 1 close combat, week 2 ranged combat, week 3 alchemy (includes poison), week 4 engineering (includes traps)

And once we have our first fang, they will receive an extra special day of attention from Rakihu so that they may refine their deadliness better.

Outside of these 2-3 days per week, we will of course remain the highly social sisterhood we've always been, always up for RP interaction and character development without the need for any events!

Lastly I want to stress that we will still only take player character clients, only of late we may raise our price ic so as to only be available to the ridiculously rich characters (you know who you are, darlings) but that is still sort of up for debate, in case I am wrong about non-ridiculously rich characters and hiring other characters for their services. We are, after all, mainly after the character interaction. And ic time for socializing more.

PS: My love goes out to the good patrons that made the Grimey Gulley possible!
After a longish hiatus we're returning with a mild repaint to where we originally wanted to be: social interaction, social rp-focused development of characters and guild and incentives for characters to socialize ic!

Need a change of pace every now and then? Worry not, besides once-a-week training days and social assignments with goals that will contribute toward your rise in ranks there will still be insult contests, drinking and other kinds of fun activities to look forward to!

All officer positions as well as that of quartermaster are vacant right now for those who aspire more.

Look us up, leave me an ingame letter, PM on the Argent Archives or be a 2005er and come RP! You are also free to join our discord or b.net group linked in the OP. We can tell who's who :3

See you in Azeroth!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we've been struggling with numbers for quite some time.

Hopefully I will be able to find some help to help me fix this issue by BFA. :)

Other than that I'll try to squeeze Raki into taverns more often, and in a more pushy format. That'd be more like her Booty Bay self, after all.
We are currently in preparation for both BFA and some deeply character(, and story)-driven RP-PvP involvement.

If possible, I would by then love to have welcomed new ladies aboard our troupe. If you can talk the talk and walk the walk, I'm ingame as often as I can be. If you cannot reach me, ingame mail often helps.

Or you can join our discord: https://discord.gg/ZmFBupt

Or you can constantly reach me via battle.net via Tumbleweed#2843
If that seems too personal, you can find our battle.net group here: https://blizzard.com/invite/yPkVJIa2r

I'm thrilled to meet you, future-guildie!
Times are trying so sadly we are not quite in the state right now to join the fun and games going on in Ashenvale, however I do intend on making this work by the time BFA hits.

Are you one for platonic relationships between comrades? Assassins living in a day-to-day narrative? Social stealth? Concocting highly customized poisons and testing them? Drinking games? Friendly volleyball matches? Training tailored around the concept of surprise attacks rather than sparring and formations? Engaging storylines of intrigue that also translate smoothly into RP-PvP? REAL player character clients (that aren't just our alts) with their own personalized goals?

A personalized initiation process that can lead to a discovery of self, if not outright inspiration to expand on your character in ways you never considered?

Hit me up via a whisper, a letter, our discord or btag group or just my btag!

We'll work something out :>

Disclaimer: Membership may lead to the occasional dishonorable but most effective solution of problems on Azeroth.
Considering loosening up the joining process slightly by introducing a Candidate rank with a limit of up to 5 characters at a time. Thoughts?

I personally don't entirely believe in the above, but if it gets an objection against joining out of the way, I am willing to make a compromise here.
  • As of today, 'Worms' are no more. Instead they are called 'Initiates'
  • There is a new rank for applicants that goes by the name of 'Candidate'! This rank is restricted to 5 members at a time
  • The trials candidates must undergo will remain dubious and ritualistic as they have of late. There is always a chance of suffering side-effects, though Rakihu is constantly working on refining her special concoction for the occasion.
  • I am no longer fussy over location, location, location! Inconsistencies in travel and travel times may occur if it is accompanied with benefits of more RP for everybody!
  • Council will now be distinctive by race instead of trait; still debating about allowing multiples of Mag'har in to represent cases of Blackrock, Dragonmaw, Laughing Skull, etc. They will also likely be given sectors of responsibility.
  • Once the Communities feature is in, the Battle.net group may become a hiring grounds for clients to account for cross-faction cases, or a PvP planning ground. This point is still under debate!
  • There is now a 7-day inactivity tolerance in place; a few weeks' absence may be tolerated instead of I am presented with a reason that assures me of one's return!
Currently sorting out current members. Looking for more so that we can follow up on previous offers about collaborative RP. We've been invited to hang out with a bunch of biking brigands as well. Could be fun, but I would hate being potentially all by my lonesome.

Will you join in?
Glad to see you back, Rakihu!
Hope to run into you and the girls some time ;)
19/07/2018 20:54Posted by Erdril
Glad to see you back, Rakihu!
Hope to run into you and the girls some time ;)

Thanks! How fast we return of course depends on how much interest we catch. Difficult, what with everyone suddenly going neutral (read: not even hireable) in addition to shadier aspects of RP already being unpopular on average! I'd love it if we were as lively as we used to be by mid-August.
Bringing this to page 1 in the hopes of more recruits c: We're still prepping for BFA but generally open for random RP and the odd organized gig!

But more than anything, we're looking for new sisters c:

It's also been suggested we loosen up the sisterhood bit and confine it only to ranks of responsibility, buuuuut... we shall see!

What a time to be alive, though.
After a steamy night in the tavern, we've contracted a bard who shall also be integrated into the Sisterhood :>

Expect the tunes whereever we tread and a good can of FUN at all times!

And don't worry. We'll share her with the rest of the realm. Sometimes.
I’ve decided to re-read this entire thread from the beginning and I must say that there’ve been far too few memes. Even if Rakihu called her sisters tsunderes and yanderes. And I can remember someone saying that this beautiful creature should be a meme of itself on Discord, so here. https://pics.me.me/boop-29549317.png

Welp, I think I’ve failed terribly at masking this shameless bump. Either way, I believe this is a nice bunch so you may want to consider joining them.
don’t burn me please I’m not a witch