[A/H (N) RP] Sisterhood of the Serpent - UNDERMINE! Representing the Blackwater Cartel!

Only recently entered the guild, but I've been having lots of fun since joining. If you're reading this and interested in a shady guild that's a bit different I really recommend trying it out. :)
I'd like to thank all of these lovely ladies once more for the aid. Even if we had a rocky ride there, it was fun and really allowed the game to start with a bang.

Looking forward to maybe working with them in the future in contexts that will allow them to use their toxicology and sneaky snek skills though!

10/10 favorite assassins around.
I may have been on hiatus for a long while, but with BfA around I might get active again, and if I do, I'd love to meet more sisters!
... So join 'em, I dare ya.
Yes, we're still there. :)
I'm so tempted I might just put some more time into this half-abandoned character who happens to be a Very Bad Kitty, even on her own...

(don't mind the stupid guild, it was a random invite I haven't bothered to quit)
I like naughty - but only if it's around.
Snek boop.

We're on a cruise next month. Closing recruitment temporarily on the 30th, reopening on the 4th!
Remember to pack your sun lotion, ladies.
Oh yes i better do that would hate for my purple skin to get a tan! so out of fashion!

uh can i bring poisons too?
We may or may not be hanging out in Boralus for a while. ;)

(so if you'd like to apply, you know where to look for us)
Having invited themselves to Boralus, Rakihu got a hot tip about a connection to the Irontide Raiders that led the Sisterhood to looking into the Ashvane Docks as well as other company assets with the ultimate goal of finding the whereabouts of a target as well as overdelivering with more information about the state of Freehold as well as other pirate crews' relationship toward the Irontide Raiders.

With less than a dozen sisters in the Sisterhood, we have room for slightly over 100% more roleplayers who can enjoy an assassin's theme centered around social and organic RP and the hunt, with a healthy pinch of adventure.

Come whisper us, visit us at https://blizzard.com/invite/yPkVJIa2r or join our discord at https://discord.gg/ZmFBupt if you are interested in joining or creating consistent RP with us in the near future! :>
I'll make you cookies if you come by too!
Really nice bunch of players & characters.

I have had the pleasure of meeting several of the guild members in Org. A truly great bunch to Rp with.

Best of luck to all involved in the guild, may you continue to kickass in badass style.
This is a good guild for anyone out there that is looking for a solid group to belong to!

If I wasn't taken into my current guild, I would've put on a dress and pretended to be a woman just to join them!
There is a 99% chance that we will return to Orgrimmar and recruit some more in the coming week/end of this weekend.

12/09/2018 04:17Posted by Tozuko
If I wasn't taken into my current guild, I would've put on a dress and pretended to be a woman just to join them!


12/09/2018 00:01Posted by Trixie
Really nice bunch of players & characters.

I have had the pleasure of meeting several of the guild members in Org. A truly great bunch to Rp with.

Best of luck to all involved in the guild, my you continue to kickass in badass style.


Also, we need a new client or three for our pipeline. Volunteers with absurd amounts of moolah, gold or macaroons?
If neutral RP ever became a thing, I'd join on my velv.
1 Like
14/09/2018 12:17Posted by Rakihu
Also, we need a new client or three for our pipeline. Volunteers with absurd amounts of moolah, gold or macaroons?

Is this limited to Horde or are you open to cross faction interactions?
14/09/2018 17:12Posted by Aneerah
14/09/2018 12:17Posted by Rakihu
Also, we need a new client or three for our pipeline. Volunteers with absurd amounts of moolah, gold or macaroons?

Is this limited to Horde or are you open to cross faction interactions?

If the price is right and the request is within our job description...

Just please remember to properly communicate with any players who are targeted for assassination or kidnapping.
We are back in Orgrimmar after this night, on the lookout for new blood and in preparation to set up proper training for the initiates.
Bumbling about Orgrimmar. So many people to say no to, so few people to say yes to!

Are you morally grey™ enough to be a sister?

P.S.: We'll play volleyball again once the numbers check out.