i watch bismuth a 7 silver in favorite, but not in the commodity now !
You aren’t quick enough.
but u can’t post at 9 silver x) AH prupose u the real price x) , it not a scam !! x)
You can list items at whatever price you want to.
Please reread my explanation.
This is how it works. This is what happens. You have to be super fast to be able to yoink the silver price item from the scam lister. It is not against the rules to dupe people out of gold this way.
this is not a scam, that all.
hard to explain what happen. i’ll try to post screenshoot next time or ask on reddit x)
yeah reddit seems a nice place xD
I understand completely what happens. This is a standard practice on the AH and an easy way to make gold. Unfortunately you do not understand.
Most people have been caught out at some point when they are trying to sell items, it’s a quick lesson in check the price before hitting sell.
You can’t buy the item at the silver price because it is already gone when you try to buy it. Because the person listing it has already pulled it and all the others who have autolisted at that price.
but u can’t post at the price who’s scam … AH prupose you the good price… (9g)
No the AH will auto list at the lowest price.
and he prupose me 9g x) but i seen 9 silver ONLY in the favorite list
but after some sec of scan, 9 silver is shown IN the commodity list( for buy, or to be scam)
I have explained this above and beyond. There is no way you can understand how it works.
I’m not going to reply again but I wish you the best of luck trying to catch the scam listed items fast enough.
i understand what u mean ^^ i know perfectly how scam price is working x)
Then you know why you can’t buy the items at the 9s cost. It’s because you can’t grab them fast enough.
yes because it’s not display in the list x)
anyway, thks for your time
Because it’s already sold
blizzard API dont return what you say
i print each price, each click, each second ( or AH ready event)
anyway !!! ^^
https://www.wowhead.com/item=228233/duskweave r3 21h51 CEST
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