AH price bug


Why the ah price of https://www.wowhead.com/fr/item=210935/aqirite is displaying at 9 silver, but when i select, the price up to 9 gold ?

it’s a bot/ AI cheat ?

People list things at low prices to try and fool others into selling at the same price, they scoop up all the listings at the wrong price.

It’s a pretty standard way to try and scam people out of listing their items at a fair price. The onus is on the seller to pay attn. You can sometimes grab the low listed item before they’ve scooped it all up again.

If this doesn’t answer your question maybe explain it to me.

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nop, it sound like a “use” lag, it’s not real time.

the guys post the item at 9 argent, AH save that, display in favorite list, but i can’t buy it, or place at 9argent, until the AH display the good price in the list of all price

i use a personnal ADDON.
favorite list scan display 9 silver
commodity list scan display 9 gold and more sec after, display 9argent.

favorite list, and comodity list dont display the same price x)

It like a lag, or technical issue from DDOS, idk x)

Sounds like an addon problem.

The AH is region wide (for commodities) and items are sold and bought constantly.

I’m not sure I understand the issue you are having other than your addon is slow to scan and pick up.

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nop, my addon work rly good, and i use the initial AH frame from blizzard.

@Punyelf i mean commodity … i say ‘item’ but it’s for aquirite commodity x)

Anyway, i see that all day. Lag issue from this both list.

I bought 9 x Aqirite instantly just now

AH is working fine

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Wtf is 9 argent?

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i mean commodity … i say ‘item’ but it’s for aquirite commodity x)

Anyway, i see that all day. Lag issue from this both list, with blizzard UI, not personnal UI and API confirm

The sale was instant. There is no lag with the standard ui.

Addons can have issues because they tend to have to scan.

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you dont trust me x)

next time, i try to place screenshot ^^

I literally just used the AH. There is no lag.

The fault probably lies with your addon.

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i bought 3 aquirit at 9 silver YES


How do you buy something at 9 argent?

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I think it means silver?


Well spotted!

And if it was silver then yes the listing has been pulled exactly in the way I described in my first reply.

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Oh… Well… That clears it up then :joy:

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ya sorry … i change all by silver

All good! Now its more clear

People list things at low prices to try and fool others into selling at the same price, they scoop up all the listings at the wrong price.

It’s a pretty standard way to try and scam people out of listing their items at a fair price. The onus is on the seller to pay attn. You can sometimes grab the low listed item before they’ve scooped it all up again.

This is how the scam people out of gold listings work.

Bob lists a piece of Aqirite for 9 silver.
Sue, Fred, Charlie, Eloise, Chantal all want to sell Aqirite and without checking any listing price just hit sell, going for the latest price.
Bob’s addon scoops up all the people that are duped into listing their aqirite for 9s leaving only the listings for the correct going rate in gold
It is very hard for you to manage to buy the item on the AH at that price because Bob is much faster at buying it.

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