[A/H-PVE] Return of the Damned 3 CAMPAIGN Finished!

Name: Jack Grimsdale
Contact: Arroweyejack
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: Me, myself, and I!

Name: Karagrin Pearlshaper
Contact: Karagrin
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: The entirety of me.

It’s great to see so many are interested in the Campaign!

Alliance sign ups are now closed, however you may still sign up to be on a Reserve list

Horde sign ups are still open

If there comes room on the Alliance, reservists will be contacted and added into the active sign up list.


Looking forward to it Jess! :smiley:

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Hello, to sad we come to late but we will sign up on reserve either way for the Alliance.

Guild Name: The Order Custodian
Contact: Dhaarios, Anakhor, Samuel (Forge)
Faction: Alliance
Estimated Numbers: 5 - 8


Individual name: Zyretha Snowdawn
Contact: Zyretha
Faction: Neutral (Horde OOC)
Notes: Can DM cross-faction

Hello! I am signing up for two for reserves!

Name: Hazel Croft
Contact: Hazell
Faction: Alliance

Name: Selvior Silentdagger
Contact: Ôbiwan
Faction: Alliance

Numbers: 2

Sadly I was away at work, so I missed the window of opportunity to sign up for the event. If there is still a chance to participate, I would like to sign our guild up. We can assist with DM’ing/organisation if need be.

Guildname: Moonlit Collective
Contact: Rethany, Tylaeth, Kaora
Faction: Alliance
Estimated numbers: 5

I wish to assist my Horde bretheren

Name: Carbek Dawnhoof
Contact: Carbek
Faction: Horde


Signing up as an individual.

I will be planning on:

Name: Karthaerel Wildfeather
Faction: Alliance

I might RP another toon, but not sure yet and will keep you updated :slight_smile: I am looking forward to it, thank you for hosting again!

Guild Name: The Spiritwood Tribe
Contact: Akulé, Ahote
Faction: Horde / neutral (will work primarily with the Horde members)
Estimated Numbers: 5-10

Something we’d love to be involved with.

Someone has to look after the Taunka interests as well!


Son of Bruuf

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Signing up as an individual

Name: Kavindra Athame
Faction: Neutral

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Hello! Signing up as an individual, and mostly a healer for the Horde side <3 Best start gettin my troll gal involved with the fellow horde!

Name: Xel’jin
Contact: Xelrin
Faction: Horde

Sign me up as an individual for now, tank on the Alliance side!

Name: Arian
Contact: Ârian
Faction: Alliance/Neutral.

Guild Name: The Blazing Phoenix
Contact: Tialis (Guild Master), Astran, Serital, Alassatior
Faction: Horde
Estimated Numbers: 7-12


cackles manically and walks backwards into the shadows

Will be there, S’karo (Skaro), Individual

You have all been listed on the reserve list incase spots open as it is. The list works from top to bottom, top gets contacted first upon opening of spots, following down.

Trusty companion on the campaigns, can’t have a campaign without Karth, added to the list as an ultimate exception!

Added to the attendee list being Horde / Neutral.


Aaaaaa, so many cool people signed up! :grin: