Name: Whitestar
Faction: Alliance, but all Horde are welcome
Server: Argent Dawn
Focus: Community, group content
Leadership: Savian, Agagor
Progress: Nerub-ar Palace 8/8HC
Raid days/times: Thursday/Sunday, 20.30-23.30 server time
Currently recruiting for our raids: 2 tanks and 2-3 dps (all classes and specs welcome)
Whitestar has been around in one form or another since Wrath of the Lich King and, just like a phoenix, was reborn from the ashes at the end of Mists of Pandaria as the guild we are today. Ever since then our focus has been on forming a tight-knit community that encompasses people from all walks of life to tackle almost every bit of content WoW has to offer. Heroic raiding is our highest goal but we never lose sight of what made us survive this long: a cozy, friendly and enjoyable environment for everyone.
Quality over quantity: We are selective about who we let in because we want to be sure that our future members share our values. A person who’s main focus is PvP or Mythic raid content would probably be happier in a different guild.
A close-knit group of friendly personalities to play and chat with on a daily basis
Helpful players who like to help others and team up to take down challenges
Spontaneous and organized events
A democratic leadership ensuring that each voice is heard
A Discord server for all of our games and needs
A healthy interest in every aspect of the game
An understanding that, sometimes, real life just gets in the way and that’s totally fine
For more about Whitestar and how to apply, check out the Discord link below to access our server and application form!
To tackle the next raid tier we are looking for any and all dps and possibly 2 tanks to give our longstanding main tanks a chance to explore other roles. We are very full up on healers but having it as an offspec never hurts.
Note: we currently only accept members 18 and over AND you need to be on the Argent Dawn server or willing to transfer
Whitestar Discord server