[A/H] Resto Shaman LF mythic guild heading into SL


I’m super pumped for Shadowlands so I decided to get back into raiding again. Haven’t had a guild to raid with since WoD. Been doing rbgs/arenas and the casual pugs which is pretty tiresome. I’m a very chill 27 year old lad from Sweden who’s been playing the game since Burning Crusade. I always bring my A-Game no matter what I’m doing. I’d love to find myself a guild who has the goal of achieving CE. Due to my work schedule it’s been very hard to find the right one. I’m working nightshift four days a week (22.00 - 06.00 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu) I can play till’ 21.30 but no longer, can ofcourse push it abit if its progress and we’re close to a kill. Apart from work I’m a nolifer irl so I usually invest ALOT of time in the game and my character. I will be playing alts aswell all of them being Healers.

Currently residing on Kazzak Alliance, will be swapping realm once I find a guild and we get abit closer to release.

If you think your guild might be the perfect fit or have any questions then please drop a comment or add my Battletag.


Rat Pack

Hey m8,

I can 100% we can give you guys a good home.
Look the url and contact me