[A/H-RP] A Warning to the Alliance




As she walked the streets of Orgrimmar, Lei’liah noticed an Orc, handing out pamphlets to anyone who passed.
“Take this, Nightborne.” The Orc seemed to be in a rush, and Lei’liah had no idea why, until she read the notice.
“So the Night Elves and Worgen are not abidding by the armistice…?” she muttered to herself as she walked through the Drag, which was living up to it’s name. She seemed to have read the pamphlet a number of times with a look of sorrow, ever-growing on her face. How she hated the previous Warchief. The misery she had enforced on her peop—. Lei’liah stopped in mid-thought.
The misery she had inflicted on the Night Elves.
She kept her pace up and sat on a bench, close by the Cleft of Shadow. After one final read-through, she threw the pamphlet on the ground, hoping the sands of Durotar would bury it and closed her eyes. She had to think…what was her future? What was the future of the Horde…? Would it even have a future, if the Night Elves did not quell their rage?
So many questions and not enough time…


Event starts in 30 minutes, gates of Ironforge! Be there!



Anyone can just come by and attend?


Of course! It’s an open event. Just come on down to Ironforge if you’re on Alliance.


Might drop by on my void elf.


Azerheim, a powerful hammer crafted through the use of a titanic forge, was a weapon meant to be wielded for the ages to come, unfortunately one of the accursed Blood Elves had placed a spell of decay upon it, dooming it to a shorter lifespan, no longer meant to be a family heirloom.

Unfortunately for the elf, part of the forces gathered to ensure the safety of the General, was an enchanter with a lifetime of practice, though the laws of enchanting tell you that you cannot remove the spell without destroying the weapon, there are ways to circumvent this.

A ritual was held in the Hall of Mysteries, the greatest place of power in dwarven lands, there the Archmage empowered the artifact with a spell that contradicted the curse, blessing it with longevity and fortitude, it will not rot, nor will it shatter under stress.


The holy knights were seen again in the vale of the Loch, blades and spears brandished as they rode towards the Badlands. In the late hours of the evening they disappeared into the orcish wastes. No Horde miscreants would set foot in Alliance territory without paying a heavy price!


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