UPDATE: Thunderbraid is brought to Ironforge on Wednesday 29th of April at 8PM server time.
In the afternoon, a pamphlet slowly begins to circulate around the noticeboards in Stormwind and Orgrimmar. At the same time, rough-looking figures of various races start prowling the streets in the two cities to hand out more copies and spread the pamphlet’s message. The contents are sure to travel further than major cities eventually, albeit primarily by word of mouth.
A Warning to the Alliance
We stand at the tip of the Horde spear. We embody vengeance; we are justice personified. We exist to tear down the walls of our enemy, until they stop protecting and covering for the cretins that actively try to sabotage any semblance of peace! The Alliance signed the armistice, yet lack the ability – nay – the will to control their own troops! The elves and their worgen allies attack the Horde at every opportunity, then scurry behind stone walls under the pretense that they are untouchable, that this agreement between our factions keeps them safe.
Consider this a warning. We will not rest until the Alliance respects their own signatures. We will not sleep until everyone, young and old, can do so peacefully. Until we need not fear waking up to an arrow lodged in the skulls of our loved ones. We have captured and beaten the former dwarven general, Grannd Thunderbraid. He is to be the first example in a long line of warmongers, the first to find out what happens when you do not uphold your end of the bargain. We will not kill him – we do not desire his death. But should our demands not be met, there will be others, other targets, and we will not be as lenient with them.
We demand that all elves and worgen, all members of this “Black Moon” cease all hostilities and give themselves over to the appropriate authorities. We demand that the druid, Nerathion Vinebranch, is apprehended for his heinous crimes against the Horde and for his part in the slaughter of a Darkspear at this year’s Lunar Festival. We demand that the members of the Seventh Legion responsible for burning the homes of the vulpera in Vol’dun are incarcerated, until they can be properly reprimanded for their actions. Furthermore, we demand that all Alliance cities stop shielding the night elf aggressors. If Stormwind desires peace, they are to refuse any and all requests for assistance from the night elf and worgen people, so long as these two races continue their unprovoked assaults against the Horde.
This is your ONLY warning. On the 29th of this month, outside the gates of Ironforge, we will return Grannd Thunderbraid to the Alliance as a show of good faith. Do not mistake this for kindness. If the Alliance does not comply, others will meet a fate far worse than the former general’s.
We are the Spear of Vengeance; we protect the Horde.