All these schemes makes me want to crawl back into the relative comfort of my grave…
Krasha wants the Darkeners dealt with. It turned out the Darkeners are disgusting maggot carriers, personality-wise.
We sought out the Blackthorns to see if they could help us, and they seemed somewhat reasonable, but their leader may be possessed, which is an unpleasant thought…
We talked to someone who claims they are related to Perenolde. Naturally, she wants to rule Alterac… Seems shady.
After an abundance of scheming and headaches, we set up a trap for the Darkeners. Of course, a sympathetic Blackthorn who is the grandfather of an orphan, showed up and endangered … well, everything, really - including himself and his granddaughter.
We managed to get him out of there before the trap sprung, and after much pain, frustration, Blight, and bullets, we finally took down one of the Darkeners’ leaders. Or, to be precise, he sulkingly shot himself in the head when he knew he had lost.
Blackthorn guys on mekgineer choppers (or whatever they are called) arrived - to thank us, I assumed - and shot at us! Spineless bastard…
Apparently, they knew about some of our scheming, and disapproved of our fraternizing with their enemies.
Naturally, we had to kill them, too.
Then the crazy elf mage walked right into a pool of Blight to burn it away.
I suspect more scheming and more pain before we can leave. Maybe flirting with the ogres?