AH Scammers

scammers tried to hack my account for 70 pounds last thursday when i attempted to buy a char boost from blizzard. my bank shut down my debit card imediatley but blizzard did not notify me of these scammers my bank did when i spoke to their fraud team this morning .the outcome of this talk was this, a new card is now on the way to me and soon i will speak with blizzard about their lack of anti fraud messures and their lack of banning cheating botts and scammers ingame , every single time i am herbing and mining i see botters and report them , andi get posts from blizzard saying they were banned , but i still see just as many as before so they need perma bans .

Willbe interesting to see what comes of it, though I wouldn´t expect much, because in all honesty from what incomplete details have been provided it sounds to me much more like you managed to pick up a Trojan or Agobot-style malware from somewhere, and they just waited for you to perform an online CC transaction so they could rip your deets and use them, as opposed to anything that Blizzard could have realistically prevented. :beers:

Blizzard has had a “we don´t talk about moderation actions to individual users” policy for forever and a day, since at least OG Wrath…

Up until this passage I was inclined to believe the story despite 2 or 3 things not adding up, but this I can’t and won’t believe without hard proof, and with it the entire rest, because it´s the same story.