AH undercutting bots [ GOLEMAGG EU ]

Haven’t u noticed that there are “players” constantly undercutting auctions on AH 24 hours per day? You cannot sell anything cuz u are insta undercutt by the same “players” all day long. I am talking about high end enchats from my example.

I know u can do it manually. But no1 is checking every 5 second ur auctions 24 hours per day. It doesn’t matter if it’s 5 pm or 5 am. You auction is first for max 10 second…

How do you think if there a chance BLIZZ will check this or do anything? I’ve keep reporting the same players but I am rlly tired of this.

Any ideas?


Had the same problem back in WOTLK with enchanting scroll. If they add some AH deposit it might help this AH bot issue since there’s no AH deposit for those scrolls.

“players” also put 1 item for low price to trick people with AH addons to put automatic price on.

If you buy said item because the price is low, immediately another item is put up for the same price. By the same “player”

Im not talking about that kind of trick. It can be done by addons.

I’m talking about undercutting high lvl enchants every 5 second whole day long. Can’t be done without at least account sharing… but blizzard seems to give a s.t about this. No matter it ruins the market.

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It won’t change, AH is dominated by bots and actual players can’t make profit with highly requested mats/items. Blizzard won’t do anything about it, it was like this whole wotlk.


Idk in other realms but in Mandokir i make so much money selling old and new stuff like cloth, ores, herbs, volatile, etc…

Have you ever tried to report that player? You can report player in game, you can send your feedback to hacks@blizzard.com but no idea if it works nowadays. Wonder if any1 is reading those reports. Years ago, u could talk to a GM in a minute.

It’s rlly frustrating if u cant sell high end items, cuz u are constantly undercutting. I know there are people who love making gold on AH but u can’t stay 24 h per day undercutting every1 on every single auctions in like 5-10 seconds. No matter if u post an item 1 pm or 1 am, if this guy is online, he will undercutt ur auction almost instant. He is top1 to sell on every auctions he is selling something.

Strange that blizzard doesn’t catch activity like this automatically.

Wonder if we can do anything with this?

I play on Gehennas that has 38k logs according to ironforge.pro, that’s 36k more registered players than Mandokir, obviously bots go for the most populated realms.

Whenever I’m farming volatile air in Uldum I report like 20+ bots in just half an hour, but I actually see more than just that. They are a plague anyway, for every bot a player reports another 2 will appear. Reporting works, every few days I get a mail saying that a player I reported was actually banned, but that’s like 2 banned confirmations for every 20 bots. Not very effective.

They do but they seem to be unable to cope with the ammount of bots, they announce ban waves sometimes but then you log back in and see the same ammount of bots again. This leads me to think that they don’t want to invest the ammount of resources to deal with the problem, after all classic is their side project and EU players the last thing they care about.

Yes, you can come and post it on the forums, and sometimes you get a copy paste from Saneko saying how much blizzard works on this, and that’s it, nothing changes.

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First of all, exactly everything this dude is saying is a lie (im the one he is accusing of being a bot,same character) . Rarely read forums but happend to see this.

This guy just started selling maelstrom enchants and got disapointed that people undercut him. He was doing the exact same thing. Actually think it might be the first time he is using ah , he seems surprised. Been this way since tbc.

There are lots of ah bots, but none ive seen in the maelstrom enchants market.

Im selling enchants from a character that is transmoged in full tier3. Seems like a bot right? Also val’nyr and 2x SM IN WOTLK.

He even whispered me several times and i answered him.

There are alot of bots, but this time the accuser is just a looser. GL though.

Ps, don’t compare me to a bot, thats an insult. I’m much quicker.


AH is a market like any other. While yes bots are a problem, i had no issue making near 200k in the first couple of weeks of cata, with the AH. Granted i also constantly undercutted people and kept staying there for an hour or two, usually with something like 2-3000 different gems, engineering sockets, flasks at that time. But if you dont want to do any of that, then find other ways to make gold i guess ?

same thing in Gehennas
if the profit is 2k+
forget about using AH, a bunch of lvl 1 bots dominating

and guess what !!! they know and dont care

I’m glad u are here Victoriouz!

First of all, it’s not a lie but a simple observation. What’s more it’s not only my opinion. I have already talked to ppl from this server who try to sell m enchants and u are a real pain in the a…s for almost everyone I have spoken to.

I know how to use AH. I know that ppl undercut each other sellings. This is what Action House is all about. But I’ve been playing this game for so many years to easily spot unnatural behaviour. No1 can stay online whole day just to undercut other auctions in just 5-10 seconds ( even now u did this :slight_smile: ).

Maybe u are a uber pro AH player. Maybe u are a guy who believes playing WOW is just about staying 24 hours a day at AH just to scan undercuts every 5-10 second 7 days a week while clicking Mailbox and Auctioneer variably. That is why u didnt even lvl up not to waste time. Maybe u are not a bot. But maybe u are a cheater sharing accounts or using programs which are not allowed just to make a rl profit? I don’t know.

The fact is that the problem exists even though u are trying to discredit me. Many ppl confirmed what I’ve written above and now I’m trying to figure out If we can do something with this cuz it’s not normal no matter how hard u gonna try to explain this.

BTW, u can now easily log on ur 2nd char, mage, who is acting exactly in the same way when lock is offline, and then call me a liar, looser etc. I rlly don’t care.

Hello, you might not know, but using 2x accounts is completely legal, im not alone doing it. Yes, it gives me an advantage. None is stopping you from doing the same.

Well, its not unnatural, its very simple. I dont use any program, i just undercut . Still, nothing wrong with it.

Im not online all days, yday i was gone most of the day, and today im also gone for a large part.

Now you are starting to say correct stuff, i would consider myself good at AH yes. I also find the economy in the game the most interesting.

I got 4x 85 (2x mage,war,pal) and like 20 80s. It just happens that my lock is my enchanter and can do all enchants ingame.

Who cares if its normal? Im not doing anything illegal. There is no problem at all, only you crying because you invested in those patterns and thought it would be easy gold.

Think you can ask anyone in my guild, raided all content since lvl 60. They will confirm im not a bot, but im into AH.

OR, you can setup some list for every enchanter on golemagg so each one gets an hour of sell time every month. Until then , its a free market.

These lowlifes exists on Firemaw too, and have for as long as I remember.

Don’t know if it works anymore but spamming their mailbox with junk used to do the trick, although temporarily.

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@ Victoriouz

I’ve never said having 2 or more accounts is illegal.

You are not simply undercutt others. You are doing it constantly everytime u are online. You need 5 seconds to undercut every single auction. Like any others. But no1 is doing it for whole day. That’s not normal. Still don’t know how u keep doing this or who/what is helping you. Probably we gonna never know.

Thanks you were offline yesterday - we had a chance to sell something, yeah!

And I think even if u have account full of 85 u would still miss a point.

To be honest I think cd on reselling would fix that kind of activity easily like some1 said before. But probably it won’t be implemented cuz blizzard doesn’t rlly care nor read this forum.

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They will undercut you to hell even if items go for near vendor price.

And then players will cry when the same items go up in price, although they’d earn that in 2 quests.

Guess this playerbase and bots deserve each other :cowboy_hat_face:

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