[A+H][Eonar] <BEAST> seeks you to experience the War Within together!

Hi All,

Quick update again about our progression we are currently:
9/9 Normal ATDH

If you are interested in joining the fun & mad house please give us a heads up or contact me in game.

We still need :

1 Off Tank (Any class)
2 Healers (Paladin, Shaman, Monk preferred)
DPS (Shaman, Rogue, Priest, Warrior, DK, DH, Mage)

If interested you can contact either myself, Slimshady#2100 , or our RL Kalonriel#2540

Cheers, Monmon

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I just want to write something nice (and true) about this guild !

Beast welcomed me from the beginning, and while we can get serious in progression, everybody has time to learn, no extreme pressure, e.g. being ā€œreadyā€ for Mythic Progression, zero mistakes, know your class inside out, forward and backward ā€¦

While it is true, that Beast still is in the reforming process, now its a very good time, to get to know your future pals (boys+girls) socially, as most people are not progressing this tier anymore.

Come to us, become part of the family, stand firm at our sides, while we wage the ā€œWar from Withinā€ (trademark by Blizzard Inc. - World of Warcraft - World Soul Saga)

IF you have ANY question, please message Slimshady#2100 - have a nice talk, he will be able to answer more questions !!!

See you there.

Cheers, Elips

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hi i am looking for a new guild my btag are bugged idk why i cant add you on bnet add me on Nor6695#2971 on btag or disc remi_48763 for a chat if you want :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve added you on Discord :slight_smile:

Hi All,

Still looking for people to join the fun & mad house please give us a heads up or contact me in game.

We are cross faction and welcome also everybody to join our community, so joining the guild is not a requirement :slight_smile:

We still need :

1 Off Tank (Any class)
2 Healers (Paladin, Shaman, Monk preferred)
DPS (Shaman, Rogue, Priest, Warrior, DK, DH, Mage)

If interested you can contact either myself, Slimshady#2100 , or our RL Kalonriel#2540

Cheers, Monmon

Beast is recruiting - Join Our Pack Today!

Beast is a cross-faction Guild & cross-faction Community on the EU-Eonar Server (clustered with Bladeā€™s Edge, Vekā€™nilash, Aerie Peak, Bronzebeard).

We cater for the experienced pup, who already found its way, but seeks a Pack, with brothers and sisters, and for the shy, lonely pup, afraid to be alone in the dark - Our Pack welcomes all !

Our packleaders nurture, guide you, and provide comfort along the way; so that you are never lonely again, or questioning your existence on this verdant soil.


We hunt (raid) twice a week (monday + friday).

To make sure our pups are focused, and not overwhelmed, right now, we exclusively hunt (raid) on the fifth day of the week (friday) , when the sun has set (20:00 p.m. servertime).

Three hours after, we will return to feast and rest.

If you stay with the pack, you will grow stronger, and with enough experience and dedication, you might lead a pack on your own in the future (you never knowā€¦)

Right Now, Our Pack is rather small; we need our fellow brethren to grow in strength and numbers !
When we do, we hunt on the first day of the week (Monday) aswell !!!

We recruit the following classes at the moment :

1 Off Tank (Any class)

2 Healers (Paladin, Shaman, Monk preferred)

DPS (Shaman, Rogue, Priest, Warrior, DK, DH, Mage)

Dont want to join our den (Guild) ?
You can always hunt (raid) with us as a member of the Community!

If you feel like we could be your new home, please do not hesitate to contact :

Iggy#2152 OR Pit#2133

I feel i need to make a statement, which - for me - is overdue :slight_smile:

When i first searched for a new guild, after a kinda long hiatus, due to my boy having been in the hospital in intensive care for arround six weeks, from december 22 to january 23, i read many nice and interesting recruitment posts.

But no post attracted me as much, as the history of Beast - from June 20 to that present day.

It was heart-warming, to hear about all those people, commenting on the special bond they shared with each other, and the guild as whole !

When i first touched World of Warcraft, i always wanted to learn to tank, but i was shy, and did not really see a chance to be able to try it out - enter BEAST !

Not Only were they looking for a tank (actually several, as the guild was reforming, and still is, to this point), but they let me tank Amidrassil Normal with them, and they found, i did a good job - i made sure, i did have some practice before though :slight_smile:

Yesterday we finished our third raid day together, progressing from 9/9 Normal (first run with this particular roster) to 9/9 Normal + 2/9 Heroic (second run) to 6/9 Heroic.

We all enjoyed ourselves very much, surely partly because there is always a light-hearted atmosphere in between pulls, and we tease each other ALOT :stuck_out_tongue:

So that is, how you can progress, when giving a chance in this lovely Guild, which is NOT ONLY Cross-faction, BUT has a Cross-faction Community aswell (for which you do not need to be a guild member)

We Welcome All of You !!!

Please, feel free to inquire and contact Iggy#2152 OR Pit#2133

Peace Out,


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Iā€™m a returning player.

Looking through guild recruitment your guild looks exactly what Iā€™ve been looking in game for a long time .

Are you guys still active as Iā€™ll probably transfer to your realm if all is well and good .

Hey there Ɵill, BEAST has recently started recruiting for the next expansion. That said weā€™re in a raiding pause right now.

If youā€™re okay with that, letā€™s have a chat on in-game chat, hereā€™s our battle tags to send a friend request:

  • Ignatious: Iggy#2152
  • Pitprop: Pit#2133
  • Thorck: Thorck#2781
  • Pallyious: Evelin#21904

Done , thankyou. My experience dragonflight is limited to levelling up, so i donā€™t have any experience of the newer form of the game .

I think my last serious expansion was WoD.

Hello all,

BEAST will be opening recruitment for The War Within expansion soon.

We will persuit similar goals as before, being:

  1. Having a fun time, being yourself in a casual setting.
  2. Raiding with friends (normal mode clears, heroic when thereā€™s room for it)
  3. Share knowledge, jokes and fun on Friday nights.

Keep an eye out on our recruitment updates or just have some fun with us already (party up for a dungeon for example) :wink:

Hi all, with The War Within upon us soon, BEAST is looking for recruits.

Our guild is going for a ā€˜resetā€™ in The War Within, meaning that on a short term goal we want to build up a great community of players like before and in the longer term to beat end-game content together in a inclusive and relaxing atmosphere (including normal/heroic raids, m+ keystone runs; war mode horde slapping (we accept Horde players, at your own risk :wink: )

Happy to hear from you, contact us directly via battle.net:

  • Thorck#2781
  • Iggy#2152

Or apply (with a note!) in the in-game Guild Finder!