[A+H][Eonar] <BEAST> seeks you to experience the War Within together!

Sun King’s Salvation (heroic) defeated by BEAST, getting us to 6/10.

Looking for a guild with 1-day/week progression raids (and lower difficulty raids on other days for newer players and alts)?

Give us a poke and we will look together with you what the options are!

Contact any of the leaders below for questions (battletag):

  • Thorck#2781 (Guild master)
  • Slimshady#2100 (Recruitment)
  • Evelin#21904 (Recruitment)

So we hope you like the new Korthia zone and we are very excited to begin the new mythic+ season, as well as the new raid dungeon on July 9 in BEAST!

Would you like to join our adventures? We’re always looking to fit in players looking for a nice atmosphere.

In Shadowlands patch 9.0 BEAST has achieved:


  • Most of our people who liked to have set foot in m+ 10 and higher at least once.
  • 3 guildmembers got their Keystone Master achievements in Season 1


  • Cleared Castle Nathria normal mode on 12 Mar 2021
  • Glory of the Nathria Raider mounts obtained on 17 May 2021
  • 8 of 10 heroic bosses defeated in Castle Nathria


  • BEAST has done multiple nights of rated BGs together as a guild.
  • Engaged with over 10 players in outdoor world PVP weeklies several times.

For Season two we’re diving into:

  • Mythic+ and Tazavesh hardmode runs.
  • Sanctum of Domination raiding (normal and heroic)
  • Battlegrounds with guildies

Do you want to join the fun? Then let us know!

Time for another update!

With Chains of Domination well underway BEAST has achieved 7/10 normal mode and 1/10 heroic mode bosskills in the new raid.

Although we’ve got a great group we are seeking you to make it better!

Do you like going casual and beat challenging content at the same time? Add some good amount of joy to it and you’re at the right spot.

Ask for a short chat to find out more. Our battletags:

  • Thorck, guildmaster: Thorck#2781
  • Reinablood, recruitment: Evelin#21904
  • Monbear, recruitment: Slimshady#2100
  • Elund, recruitment: Andymcc#2987

Hello all time for another update!

With Chains of Domination well underway BEAST has achieved 10/10 normal mode and 4/10 heroic mode.

We have a nice group now but we still are looking for some more healers and DPS so we can even push more into SoD and run some nice M+ runs :slight_smile:

Do you like going casual and beat challenging content at the same time? Add some good amount of joy to it and you’re at the right spot.

Ask for a short chat to find out more. My battletag:

  • Monmonk, recruitment: Slimshady#2100
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Looking for a friendly place to call home?
BEAST is looking for new members.

As one of the larger guilds on Eonar-EU we want to make your stay with us feel small and cozy. New members are always given time to acclimate to their new home.

Right now we’re at the point where we can take in more people. So if you’re interested, let us know!
If you’re not sure about BEAST, ask any of our members for their story to join BEAST.

Want more concrete info? Contact any of the people below:

  • Thorck, guildmaster: Thorck#2781
  • Reinablood, recruitment: Evelin#21904
  • Monmonk, recruitment: Slimshady#2100
  • Elund, recruitment: Andymcc#2987

Hope to see you soon!

Guildmaster of BEAST

Hi :wave:
I have been in the guild for a year now. I have aspergers, social phobia and i struggle a lot with anxiety. When other guilds have kicked me when i have been very sensitive and overthinking things (thats an asperger thing) and started to get very emotional in gchat, this guild instead listens and gives me space to feel better, they give me time to reflect on things and recover. Its amazing how patient they all are with me. Im so thankful to them all. :pray: :relaxed:

I dont raid, but i have been thinking about it for a long time. When i ask about the raids and tell them about my worries: bad gear, low ilvl, dont know tacts, cant be on voice (not even for listening) and anxiety… they say: No problem at all! Its not about getting the best gear or numbers, we are all here just for fun! We can help with everything.
Isnt that amazing? :smiley:
My dream is to one day raid with them. If i will overcome my anxiety and find the courage to start raiding, this is the guild to be in, i know that. :+1:

I have played WoW for 12 years and this is the most relaxed, patient, understanding and respectful guild i have ever been in. If you are new, are shy and/or have anxiety i can recommend this guild. This is the place to overcome anxiety and try dungeons/raids, if you want to do that. The guild have a very good family feeling and everyone is so nice and helpful. :relaxed:

This is my story and i wanted to tell how good everyone in the guild is to me, someone who has anxiety. I hope it can help others to see what a great guild this is. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for your kind words Nelle! Great to read how you experience BEAST and hopefully we can realise your dream together in time :slight_smile:

To those interested, we’re looking for a few damage dealers mostly. Classes or roles that would be a nice addition:

  • Death knight (any spec)
  • Rogue (any spec)
  • Enchancement shaman
  • Windwalker Monk
  • Shadow Priest
  • Resto Druid

More important to us than the class or role is a personality that fits well with our guild and its atmosphere.

Want to find out of its a match? Contact us via a battle.net chat. Our battletags:

  • Thorck#2781 (guild master)
  • Slimshady#2100 (recruitment)
  • Evelin#21904 (recruitment)
  • Andymcc#2987 (recruitment)

Hope to fight by your side soon!

Want to do raids and mythic+ dungeons in patch 9.2, Eternity’s End, without any pressure or stress?

Then BEAST might just be the place to be for you.

With over 100 unique players we can support all kinds of content you want to do in groups, yet we make it feel small and close where you matter.

Do you wish to contribute to our success? Then get in touch for a chat :slight_smile:

Eternity’s End is nearly upon us, so let’s make up the balance.

In Chains of Domination (9.1) BEAST has come from a solid guild to an even more steady group of people.

Together we have achieved the following PvE content:

  • 9/10 heroic Sanctum of Domination bosskills.
  • Countless of members made their first steps with us into mythic+ dungeons. Up to keys of +15 and higher even.

We’ve also had valuable people drop out due to covid or other health related difficulties, yet none of them have been forgotten and received a personal card with get well wishes from the others. Luckily most have returned in good health by now.

For Eternity’s End we look forward to clear Sepulcher of the First Ones at heroic difficulty, as well as getting our M+ season 3 mounts, but without giving in on the inclusive fun factor of BEAST: Every member is able to join any of our events at any time you like. Our philosophy stands: Doing things together is better.

The true question is: Do you take part in our adventure ahead?

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As the first raid week of 9.2 is concluding, BEAST can look back at our best start of a season yet:

SFO heroic (raid size: 22 people):

  • Vigilant Guardian defeated

SFO normal (raid size: ~20 people):

  • Vigilant Guardian defeated
  • Skolex defeated
  • Dausegne defeated
  • Prototype Pantheon down to 28%

Mythic+ (group size: ~15 people):

  • Three simultanous m+ groups trying out keys.
  • Highest key level tried: 11

Looking forward to maintain this momentum, but only when having a fun time together is maintained!

Want to have a sneak peak of what it’s like to raid or do mythic+ with BEAST?

Let us know, by sending us a battletag invite (see initial post) and we’ll show you :slightly_smiling_face:

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BEAST once again has some room for players to join our mad house.

Do you want some help to get back into the game for the next expansion? Or just some company? Maybe just a laugh or two. Then consider BEAST.

Not sure what to expect? Just try us out and ask one of us to join for a dungeon run, raid invite or just a chat with any of our members.

Want more targeted information? Contact someone of our recruitment team for details via battletag chat:

  • Thorck#2781
  • Slimshady#2100
  • Pit#2133
  • Iggy#2152
  • Evelin#21904

See you soon!

Targeting normal mode raids primarily for the remainder of the expansion, BEAST is currently looking for several players to join our forces.

There’s room for one or two tanks, three healers and a fair amout of damage dealers.

Most importantly is that personalities match with the guild’s culture.

Interested what that means? Then contact us (see first post) :slight_smile:

BEAST wants to play a meaningful role in the Dragonflight expansion.

Therefore we’re open for a chat to whomever wants to join a welcoming guild in which you can be yourself.

Please review our first post in this thread to discover more about BEAST and what to expect of it.

Interested? Hesitating? Want to know more? Start a chat with one of us! (battletags in first post)

Regards and much fun to you,

Guildmaster of BEAST

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Not in a hurry to beast new end-game content, but you would like to enjoy the next expansion with funny people?

Then do not hesitate and find out what BEAST can be for you!
Send a battle.net chat to:

  • Iggy#2152
  • Pit#2133
  • Thorck#2781

We’re looking for a few people interested in raiding. Raid nights are Fridays and Mondays between 20:00 and 23:00 realm time to celebrate the beginning of the weekend and the start of a new work week together.


Happy 2023 everyone in the WoW community!

We from BEAST hope you are very happy in your guild’s, communities, or going solo and that you continue to do so! All the best wishes from us to you :slight_smile:

We are still recruiting actively to start off our (normal difficulty) raids in Dragonflight. Are you looking for a relaxing time after a busy work day, yet do you like a challenge?

Then BEAST may be a good fit for you.

Do no longer hesitate and give us a whisper (via bnet chat):

  • Iggy#2152
  • Pit#2133
  • Thorck#2781
  • Evelin#21904

See you around!

Hi all, I can announce today that BEAST is going to be back in business in January 2024 and we’re seeking you!

has been out of the spotlight in 2023 because of life priorities of most of our leadership team.

Today, we are ready to pick up where we left off again. Please see our first post in this thread to get in touch!

Wishing you much fun, happy holidays and a stunning 2024 with BEAST or anywhere else!

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Hi all,

We are starting to form a raid group again to kill some bosses in the Dream, and get a team ready for the next expansions!

If you are interested in joining the fun & mad house please give us a heads up or contact me in game.

We still need :
1 Tank (any class)
2 Healers (any class)
Shadow priest
Elemental Shaman
Fury/Arms Warrior
Any Rogue

  • Slimshady#2100

Just give me a day or two to get sorted, and i will have at the very least one character on the server:-)


Currently 9/9 Normal and 1/9 HC ATDH

If you are interested in joining the fun & mad house please give us a heads up or contact me in game.

We still need :

- 2 Healers (Paladin, Priest, Monk preferred)
- DPS (Shaman, Rogue, Priest, Warrior, DK, DH, Mage)

Contact me if interested Slimshady#2100