Ahh, how nice it is to just log into WoW

Ahh, how nice it is to just log into WoW and stand in the middle of a city and experience the fantastic atmosphere of the cartoonish style and the beautiful areas, as well as the various transmogs that other players have found. Just being able to log in and stand somewhere and hear the birds and look at the beautiful nature and areas that have been created for me. I am so grateful for that. And then it only costs the same as a few pizzas a month. I feel blessed.

I unfortunately experience some mosquitoes (I think) that keep swarming around me. I constantly hear that swoosh and buzz sound. It comes from time to time, sometimes more often than I want to hear. I can’t see if it’s a mosquito when I turn around and then it’s gone. Maybe I should just ignore it, although it’s hard. I feel the urge to slap them.

Wait, that transmog that just ran past me looks good. I’ll just have to look into that. Wondering where the parts were found. Ahh yeah, well, I’ll go back to an old raid and see if it drops for me. I think I’ll invite some friends along. We can probably enjoy ourselves for a few hours.

“swush”… there it was again. Makes me want to slap that mosquito.

Whoa, shame on me. It was just another player who is obviously at work and must have achieved a lot before logging out again. Wondering why it’s so important to achieve everything today… Then he has nothing to do tomorrow…

Well, now I want to go on an old raid with the friends who share my definition of a few hours of fun…

Why is everyone so busy….


It’s sort of just how life works. Everything is fast and everyone’s used to living fast, running around, having a tough deadline to deal with on a tight schedule.

Slowing down is lovely and I like it but many find it more comfortable to be quicker. As long as a certain style makes you, the person playing happy, it works.

Though you can also share your style with others who are willing to try. I met someone at the end of shadowlands, we were approaching pre-patch. We just slowed down, fooled around, did all kinds of things. The general sentiment was the fact that he really liked it and found it a unique experience. He’d have fun playing more that way but also his own rank 1 pve gameplay. Invite people to try things, don’t force them. If they like it then spend more time together. If not then maybe you’ll find someone else who fits you. You also just don’t do one thing all the time, so it’s okay if you yourself try other things too, maybe even in a faster, less relaxed pace. Sometimes you may enjoy that too :slight_smile:

I’ve been playing WoW for over 17+ years, so I’ve seen my share. I’ve witnessed bad decisions, but overall it’s been really good. I love WoW and its charm and its cartoonish style.

The topic above is written with great respect for players, but at the same time would also like to encourage players to think before they write. We are actually quite a few players who like to see WoW as the adventure we can go on every time we either come home from work and have had a stupid day, an annoying customer or something else entirely.

There is a lot of negativity going arround today because of Warband not working. There will ALWAYS be problems like these when such a large setup is launched. This is unfortunately one of the big ones. I’m sure Blizzard is working around the clock to get this fixed.

If I were a developer at Blizzard, I wouldn’t read the forums, because often it’s nothing but negativity.

Perhaps this is the root of why many players feel they are not being heard. Who would bother reading forums if the content was mostly negative. There is a delicate balance between constructive and negative comments. Several of the comments found are downright unnecessary. Blizzard knows they have problems.

So this is my attempt to make it possitive and i’d rather cheer them on and write: “Go Blizzard, I believe in you!”.

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Meanwhile me 10 minutes ago, trying to log in after a weird desync:


yeah, they have their problems… I admit it looks like it has not been tested thorughly, but again - they are working on it. There will always be bugs.

Murphys law: if anything can go wrong…

Well, i do not like murphy… :slight_smile:

Lemme be honest with you. WoW is one of those games I encounter THE LEAST bugs with.

Other games have tons more.

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People are just more likely to share negative experiences although I’ve seen many tired of it trying to share positives too. You wanna make it better, do it! Share something you liked, but also share negative things. Negative feedback is very important

I do agree but only to a certain level. Negative feedback can be written in a good way, making it constructive. I rather help instead of complaning. There is a difference.

Complaints also help. People share how they feel. More often than not your regular Joe doesn’t understand game design but can share thoughts and feelings. Consider it same as a psychologist in a way. For you to reach some conclusion you want to listen to the person’s thoughts, feelings and experiences. What made them smile, what made them frown.

As a game designer for example you get 100 people echoing the fact that they dislike the cast time on the swap between skyriding and flying. Some share it constructively, some say “this sucks”. Both help. Obviously more constructive feedback helps but you can still get 100 “skyriding casting times suck” complaints to get an idea how many feel. You then try to think why they feel that way, if they have to adapt to the change or if it’s just a bad decision. (personally i hate the long time, either make it a toggle or let us toggle mounts that can only fly in one type of way so that we can choose.) Try to think of a positive change that wasn’t accepted well at first. I first thought of the UI, but admittedly classic wow UI had a very special and cool style that was lost not because of the customisation options but because they changed the style itself, though I like the softer button frames.

I really don’t get a point of this thread. Just personal blog?

I have sat and read through topics for Warband problems and other problems. I’m a developer myself, so if it was me who read everything that was written… It’s hard not to be negatively affected by these comments.

This post was just my way of leveling up a bit, and enjoying the fact that we actually have a game worth logging into.

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