In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Ahn’Qiraj in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Razzly, Gnome Warrior (rank 14). Rolled on the server from day one.
Started out with friends from previous servers called DONT CALL ME mate MATE. When they went separate ways I played abit in Innocence/Septimus before joining Requiem to get rank 14. After that I raided with Delusion until late summer when I transferred to Vek’nilash to play with some of the DCMmM people who left the server earlier.
Draven, Human Rogue, proud member of Invictus! Started in 1.5 patch and played on AQ until early WOTLK.
Hi Draven, I remember you. I also played in Invictus.
Spokki, Night Elf Rogue, Invictus.
DECAHT - russian guild - anyone?
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Taldris, Human Paladin, Champions of Croatia. Begun playing in June 2006 right after patch 1.11.0
Cross, Human Paladin. I was in Invictus too. I think i remember you.
Nathil, Human Paladin, mainly Passion.
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был в DECAHTe, правда не долго ушел на другой серв
Quitx, Night Elf Druid, Invictus until early BWL then my account got hacked. 
Hey old people of ahn qiraj.
I used to be a night elf hunter in the guild delusion my name used to be sweetheart I believe.
hey draven! I don’t know if you remember me but ive seen you around back in the day. my ingame name was sweetheart a NE hunter from the guild delusion
Anyone from sheep it, here could be fun to reconnect.
I played NE doodle named Rhazul
Archiana, Night Elf priest: Passion (PVE) and Confusion (PVP!!!)
hey sweetheart, i played in your guild aswell. I was Maive a human female paladin. remember the 1v1 we had outside IF?
I remember both you and Maive.
We all used to play in Delusion.
Do you remember a female human priest by the name Catelin or Sereno? That was me, i think i was an officer or GM of Delusion.
Does this ring any bells? <3
/salute to all the old school PvPrs. Sure was a blast running those premades.
I was Siveti, male Human Mage, and I mainly PvPed. Remember in the end how I started joining a few premades with Requiem, and the glorious Duels with Krill (Grand Marshal Gnome Mage), and Akara (Human Mage)
I recognise your name for sure…I’ve seen it on kill videos tonight while reminiscing with lots of other old guildies 
I was a founding member and played various characters in Night of the Decepticon (later Essential Accenture) on AQ, and then on Twilight’s Hammer when we transferred:
Kadija (Warrior) - Vanilla
Capote (Priest) - early to mid TBC
Pinté (Shaman) - mid to late TBC, early Wrath
Bowtox (Hunter) - Wrath
I was generally an Officer / Raid Leader, briefly GM in NotD / EA, along with lots of well known names on the server.
I’ve managed to get a Discord up and running with 20-25 old NotD / EA players, and we’d love to have anyone who use to be the guild come and join us.
The plan for Classic is super-casual - most of us don’t have the time for much more. If people decide to go more hardcore and leave, then we hope they’ll have an alt in the guild, or stay on our Discord at the very least. We just want to play with lots of old friends, level together, dungeon together, and who knows maybe casual raid together several months down the line.
Maive, if you (or any other ex-NotD / EA) read this and want to come say hi / play with us - get in touch!
My Discord: Kadija#6951
Only ask is to please join with your old in-game name