26/08/2018 00:52Posted by VýriaEoforhildr
<Hated with Honor Capped>
Roflmao dat hatred and dat guild name xd
Feminist ? xd
*scratching my head*
26/08/2018 00:52Posted by VýriaEoforhildr
<Hated with Honor Capped>
Roflmao dat hatred and dat guild name xd
Feminist ? xd
26/08/2018 02:42Posted by Neuwa26/08/2018 00:52Posted by VýriaEoforhildr
<Hated with Honor Capped>
Roflmao dat hatred and dat guild name xd
Feminist ? xd
What the potato does feminism have to do with my guild name?
26/08/2018 12:24Posted by CowardrogueHonor Capped has a successful track record of problem solving
26/08/2018 16:00Posted by DastinThe white knighting is real with this one
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWJP_DcbZ0U&list=PL6GpEwd4u-C6yXswwwEstHTS4vb2lhR2E Try and white knight this =]
26/08/2018 16:46Posted by Tzuyú26/08/2018 12:24Posted by CowardrogueHonor Capped has a successful track record of problem solving
Oh the irony my friends.
26/08/2018 18:20Posted by TórnadoStill find it hard that this guild is still a thing after all these years, I just feel for new players that are looking for a guild on Alliance and I can only imagine the trade chat spam with recruitment macros, these poor individuals who don't really know about the forums that fall into the trap of this guilds toxic behaviour when they join.
26/08/2018 16:00Posted by DastinThe white knighting is real with this one
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWJP_DcbZ0U&list=PL6GpEwd4u-C6yXswwwEstHTS4vb2lhR2E Try and white knight this =]
26/08/2018 12:24Posted by CowardrogueDear Troq,
Thank you for your feedback.
We are unhappy to hear that your guild-experience within Honor Capped has not been a pleasant one. We at Honor Capped are continuously striving to be a fun and a atmospherically guild for all of our members. Honor Capped has a successful track record of problem solving, communication and decision-making skills.
I can assure you that Honor Capped is always open for a peaceful solution that is working in the the best interests of the whole community.
We appreciate the feedback and if there is anything we can do for you at this time, don't hesitate to send a ingame-letter trough the mailbox towards one of our officers.
Have a nice day in your future adventures in World of Warcraft !
signed by,
Officer at Honor Capped, Outland-Alliance guild
26/08/2018 22:03Posted by CowardroguePeople interested in social-interactions, especially with a guildmaster, allow me to forward you to the Argent Dawn realm, a realm with guilds who has prioritized social interactions https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/941876/
26/08/2018 22:03Posted by CowardroguePeople interested in WPvP, we are the guild for you.
People interested in social-interactions, especially with a guildmaster, allow me to forward you to the Argent Dawn realm, a realm with guilds who has prioritized social interactions https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/941876/
Have fun.
To the King of Outland from the King of All.
I, King Zylopfa The Omnipotent challenge you for a duel in an area of your preference. The prize will be 50,000 gold for the winner of best of 3.
Do reply before 30th of August or be renounced as a cowardly rat.
Hail And K!LL, false king.
27/08/2018 07:30Posted by Neuwa26/08/2018 22:03Posted by CowardroguePeople interested in WPvP, we are the guild for you.
People interested in social-interactions, especially with a guildmaster, allow me to forward you to the Argent Dawn realm, a realm with guilds who has prioritized social interactions https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/941876/
Have fun.
So you're basically confessing that Honor Capped isnt a community? Just a.. warehouse of robots for you to invite when you want to PvP?
Or am I looking at my experience inside and outside of Honor Capped, together with what you just said, in the wrong way?
28/08/2018 14:28Posted by Yolandass*pours some Rakija and takes a sip*.Im wondering will these Auto Advertisment robots ever stop spamming our realm with selling out XD.