[A]Honor Capped WPVP/PVP Recruitment!

HONOR CAPPED recruiting!

Social PvPer

HARDCORE rbgers!

this week we TURN 8 years old
Interested with having a chat with someone from the guild :) just hit 120 so pretty new to pvp but have a lot of time to learn just now cause of my job! if it works can bring over my horde healers as well #zetabain2338

Honor Capped has turned 8 years old thank you to all who have played with us or against us!

glad to be still here!
recruiting all classes! Low on Warlocks disc and spriest
i played with you guys on my druid back in cata. I remember stomping the tol barad daily quest area with you guys. good to see your all still doing your thing

Me and a friend just transferred to Outland and are looking for a PvP guild.

(Assa rogue and BM hunter)

Looking to get settled with some social PvP / WPvP with an aim to hopefully get involved with RBGs etc.

Stell#21555 is my Btag if someone wants to add me and have a chat.
11/10/2018 20:32Posted by Destilord

Honor Capped has turned 8 years old thank you to all who have played with us or against us!

glad to be still here!

My time there was fun during WoD. Fun guild.

Still recruiting.

Since this new patch WPvP has gone active again in BFA lands. It served as a good reminder to see why a ally-40-pug fails so much compared to a raid from Honor Capped. Hence why we stepping up our recruitments again.

Join join, for victories. Don’t be Alliance, be Elite-Alliance !


Are you still looking for recruits for WPVP and RBG?
I have been looking for such a guild for a while now.

Old Vanilla hardcore PvP player - but stopped playing after 3 chars to Rank14 grind.

Came back for BfA and so far love the game.

Gear is quite bad but started few weeks ago to play actively. I am very experienced in World PvP and RBG.

Best Regards,

Welcome in Honor Capped, Kiko. Enjoy your stay !

Still recruiting ! Let’s camp those flightpaths ! Kill the Horde wherever they are, wherever they are hiding ! Force them to turn off WM mode ! For Glory ! For Ganking !

Hi ! Can i get an Invite ?
I’m on Stormscale , but that should work just fine right ?
/W Hitray#2369 ??

Hey, I am sorry but you need to be in the same realm of the guild you want to join. That’s how it is designed. GL.

Upon joining this guild you are expected (its mandatory) to share your discord account with your bnet account for guild activities and in order to progress in guildranks.

That was just enough for me. I would understand creating an account on guild website, but forcing people link dicord acc with bnet acc together is more like dictatorship to me.

Just sharing my experience for others.

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Destinite was always one for being a control freak

@ Eleanory-burning-blade
I am sorry for your inconvenience. We use wow-Jeeves bot (used by 20.000 discord servers) to identify our people in our Discord server. So none can fake, clone or steal the identity of our members.

As a 8-year-old WPvP-Guild we have build a huge community with many allied-guilds. This also means we have accumulated many adversaries in our battles over the years. Some of them are nowadays within the Alliance but a adversary none the less.

If you do not accept this, then this guild was never meant to be for you. Good luck in your search for another guild.

Cowardrogue, Officer of Honor Capped.

This is called being paranoid

It’s called security. Obviously you never played in any high guilds :wink:

Calling Honor Capped a high guild?


Its not like you guys are the Method of WPVP, you’re actually trash


You are wrong again.
Being “high or not” is subjective. Honor Capped themselves decides what a “higher guild” means, not the people outside Honor Capped.

Secondly, we got your attention for many months now on this forum, It’s true for all readers here, that Honor Capped has hurt your feelings, and I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience we have caused you.

However right now, in your subconsciousness, you have been serving Honor Capped in different ways:

  • You keep our recruitment topic active, negative or positive posts doesn’t matter, as long our name appears on top of it.

  • Never outspoken loud, but Honor Capped is a WPvP Guild, in a sense we are also known as a “grieving guild”. Either we being wrong or right, It doesn’t matter. What matters is, it is attractive and it makes players interested to our guild. And your obsession in our topics shows to the outsiders we still got it: We can still get on people’s nerves.

Honor Capped is very much alive, on a high level and there is nothing you can do about it, except feeding it.

Cowardrogue, Officer of Honor Capped.

As a grieving guild you have no standards to speak of, you accept anyone and everyone.

If you were a rbg or arena focused guild then I’d more respect for the guild.

But you’re just like all other wpvp guilds out there, most of them are just trash players.