AI gaming has to stop

First to be clear, this is not a class rant. But rather some things that I have noticed in the past few days and would appreciate input from experienced players and their thoughts on the matter.

Heal over time, damage over time and pets are in the game since the beginning. They are a big part of the game, but should not be a big part of a classes whole kit. What do I mean by that?

Well, take me as a holy paladin in arena for example. I get stunned, or cc’ed or whatever I have to trinket and pop cooldowns or someone dies. And I am stuck in that endless loophole of cooldown trading until I run out of cooldowns to trade. To get something done, I need to press a button, with all the micro CC and interrupts it can be hard and punishing to get a cast off in sticky situations.

As a Hpal in soloque at 2100+ mmr I’ve been matching against mostly Holy Priests and Restoration Druids. I’ve come to notice that I had lost many games against them that I would have won otherwise if other healers were involved. Holy priest eats a CC during a go and their mastery heal over time is topping people off, doing more than 30% of their total healing on the charts. Same goes for Restoration druids, I chain him in a 10 sec CC with stun and repentance then treants go brrrrrrr and just afk heal people back to full.

Same principle can be applied to many dps specs, such as demonology, unholy death knight, BM hunters. Unholy is on a thin margin there regarding pets and dots, but can still be put in that category with all the CC they can output. BM pets shredding you without even having to be in line of sight, demons pets too. It feels underwhelming in PvP.

The point

Pressing a button should be rewarding for each class. If the game plays instead of you through heal & damage over time effects and pets it’s almost never fun for the other party. Hots, dots and pets shouldn’t do more than 10-15% maybe even 20% total of a classes damage or healing in PvP. Make people work for results in PvP. Another reason why we need a full PvP template on how classes work in the bracket.

Also im gonna use this post to say “There is too much micro CC in the game blizzard!!!”


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Unfortunately it’s a trend nowdays to have 10 npcs on your side while fighting basicly an army of npcs. It’s also required since most specs need to aoe off something. AoE is the only thing that matters.

Sadly it has gone too far so the only way to fix this is to give hpal his own npcs the treants of light or something.

Pretty sure TWW brings even more npcs and nameplates on your screen. Make sure to upgrade your PC.

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Squires that act as treants would suit and aswell be hilarious to witness

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Im laughing just thinkin about it

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Im picturing the alliance and horde squire pets act as treants for holy :sweat_smile:

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