Aight who is in charge of putting stats on hunter gear

Right as the title says, who the heck is putting stats on hunter gear.

Do you just spin a wheel of stats and pick whatever it lands on? I can understand universal gear to have a mix of all stats.

But class specific gear should at least have good stats for the class, right?
So why in the world do hunter gear have versatility on it?

It’s literally one of our worst stats, in fact I would go as far as to say during versatility whole existence.
It has never ever been a stat that we want, yet you keep putting it on our tier and ranged weapons, just why.

For some hunter specs getting versa on your gear is like getting a bit with only one stat it scales that badly so just why?


I think whoever in charge doesn’t delve deep into how a certain spec or even class works.
They probably regard versatility as a defensive stats and think “okay hunter needs a bit of defensive, lets add versatility so they don’t die during fight”.

For MM hunters stat itemization is even worse, because thanks to Sentinel Hero talents (which is our only viable option in m+ dungeons) haste is almost as bad to us as versatility. And haste is the biggest stat of the entire tier set.

God, I wish hunters would have a competent class designer or at least look at the class guides like at least try to stat the spec specific gear to what we actually want


ye, im having to spend a lot of gold on crafted pvp gear

I heavily disagree.

When has versatility ever been one of our top 2 stats, then? I know it has never been good for BM, keep in mind I’m talking PVE here

And I am talking pvp. :wink:

well yeah ofc versa has its use in PVP it was primary a PVP stat to begin with, and my issue is that they are putting it on pve tier sets naturally PVP sets should have stats accordingly

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