In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Al’Akir in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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I played a human warrior named skumgummi. Started off in sisters, then was a tank in necrosis and stuck around when we merged with some other guild and changed name to Sanctity. After that I joined the wyvern kratos for a bit. I also used to tag along to some raids with defenders of valor when needed.
I made some cool friends along the way, Tessania(paladin), thabania(paladin), Ilane(warlock I believe?), Sarah(rogue).
Anyway, hit me up if you remember me, gonna be playing horde in classic
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- Character Name was Nozic, I think…
- Can’t remember my original guild
- I knew Kromer (Warlock) and Cromer (Paladin) and some other IRL friends.
Can’t really remember who else I used to play with in Vanilla, I do know I had lots of friends who’ve stopped playing at TBC release and LK release. I did play on other realms too, such as Tarren Mill (Alliance).
Will be rolling same char again on alliance or warrior on horde, cant decide. Hopefully same servers will be active so we can play on Al’akir again 
- Character name - Zoomy
- Class - Human Mage
- Guild - Defenders of Valor
(Mystere, you know it’s you I’m looking for!)
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Kiorin, Silent Flame, Vengeance of The Flame and House of Searing Blades.
Will return for a go. See how it is.
Bicceh - I ran Immunity and Phased with a bunch of mentalists during Vanilla. I’m not sure how many are still alive, but if you’re playing / rememeber us and want somewhere to play we’ll be on Golemagg
Feel free to add me on Bicceh#1830
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Character name - Shinobi
Class - Human Rogue
Guild - East Dragons, Dark Sun Rising, Tripledot, Technical Difficulties
PS if someone has a clipped up video or sound file of Mystere rant on Felmyst please share 
Herro! I remember you! <3
Damn, ED. the most hated alliance guild on Al’Akir :< Do you know if more of them will be playing again?
Let me guess you were horde? 
- We were a “social bunch” and if someone from the guild gets ganked at least 5 people from ED shows up to the location to ask around what’s up.
- Or that we got the world first on killing the opposing faction bosses before TBC? (Not sure about world first but we did kill them before TBC and I haven’t heard anything like that happening before)
- Or if you see us grouped entering a battleground you know it’s an instant loss unless you have a really good premade group.
Which one hurt the most? 
Also, dunno if they’re coming back.
Yeah, it was well known that you shouldent gank people from ED
I think they are most known for corpse camping and honor farming. and no I was alliance
and I only know them from Vanilla.
Where is Theavenger ?? would he still refuse to enchant twinks.
Rumour has it that a large portion of al’akir are going to gehennas. (old DoV and Sotg + others). See you there!
you mean Golemagg? Unless i’m missing the server named that 
I was on Al’Akir through vanilla, TBC and WotLK.
Initially with the guild “Enlightenment”
Human paladin called McGough
McGough will be making a return to classic - hope to see you there
Character name - Strula
Class - Night Elf Druid
Guild Free Born / Total Cabal
Your name Shinobi is so familiar also I remember Technical Difficulties but not from vanilla I think it was later TBC or WOTLK maybe
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