Alcaz Island...why?

Short and sweet…Horde are doomed on Alcaz island and making it one drop per person, while having the aliance graveyard a third of the distance than the horde’s mean (especially on Crusader Strike…) 1. Horde can’t farm. 2. Raids are poointless because it’s a quest based drop. 3. Alliance dominate every layer and we can’t even try to grind the ridiculous grind that is 0.5 head and shoulders.

IDGAF about the grind, but when I can’t tag anything and have to corpse run 3 times as long as the alliance griefers…yeah this quest is dead in the water,

Please either give us a graveyard on the island or make the drops raid wide so we can compete and challenge the gank groups.


i also made a post about this quest. its pure insanity. this quest was designed for a few people to do at a time. not whole SoD playerbase all at once. this should have been forseen. i dont say they have to nerf the entire questline the rest is good and i like a bit of a challenge but this quest in particular needs to be changed. they can easely fix this if they just turn on dynamic spawn on the island. cuz also for some reason a genious at blizz desides to turn of dynamic spawn in all high lvl zones since start of phase 4. for what reason only god knows. but they created a toxic enviorment by deciding that…


I’d be happy if they just made the drop raid wide, then it would give people a reason to raid up, fight for spawns and everyone could complete it in a reasonable period of time. As it stands it’s impossible unless your faction controls it and you’re in a group that can tag efficiently.

This quest makes the 4 hour shaman maelstrom weapon rune quest they nerfed look like absolute paradise in comparsion. Constant pvp on this island and the run back is the most brutal one I’ve ever seen of all run backs, and that’s not even mentioning all the people from your own faction that you’re always fighting and griefing for tags. Just to not get the 30% drop chance item or the tag at all after mind numblingy spamming tab target + instant cast ability for 5 minutes straight cause of spawn timers. Please do something about this quest, it’s unironically been over 2 hours and I’m on 3/20 bloodkelps…


Blizzard, please, say that you see this topic. Make us sure that you understand us. Try to solve this problem ASAP.


This is clearly intentional, just as obvious grief in blackrock mountain. If they allow playerbase to do these quests in normal time, there would be less time for them to push updates so they punish players instead.

I’ve spent 4 hours on finding correct elemental in silithus while avoiding alliance raid and occasionally getting wiped by them. Another 3.5 hours sunk into this damn quest. I would’ve quit on spot if i could but can’t because of friends.

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I have a hard time grasping this.

But could you explain to me why you care to do these tedious tasks? What’s the actual point?

There’s tons of better things to do or play inbetween Raid resets, You don’t have to subject yourself to blizzards bad game design.

in what timeline of the game do you live?. its 2024 players only aim to farm their prebis and bis gear and for all classes some pieces of the t0.5 is bis for the entire MC phase

Same situation on the Purgation Isle; the drop rate, spawn rate and limited location are horrible. How can Blizzard not get that almost everyone wants to get the dungeon sets completed, simply because they’re (pre-raid) BiS.

Please increase the drop rate and spawn rate, this quest chain is just a silly time gate to keep us busy or “entertained” before MC and Ony releases.

Total maddness…

Groups of players caming SINGLE mob resp point…

That’s not that spirit of vanilla needed…

Please hotfix this asap

I want to 0.5 upgrade set, that’s why i care.


the part with the 12 of each ghost essence thingy was already terrible enough and now this %$@#& show on Alcaz.
Many other quests are taking 10 times longer than they should as well with tons of ppl trying them at the same time, no empty layer to be found and if you do find a quiet one, it sends you back to layer 1.

Let the gamers quest, Blizzard, let the gamers quest.

Ok… but STILL is it really worth putting up with this kind of bad & tedious game design?

The devs are just having a laugh at your behalf and you are like “But i want it…”

You don’t need to put up with it, unless you choose to.

Pretty weird, You’d get better from the moment you enter MC on the 25th.

But it’s your time, spend it however you wish, I just don’t see why this grind is the thing you are willing to do.

Because not everything is about being as cookie cutter as possible, i want the full set because i want to complete the full set, regardless of better gear coming out…you play your game, i’ll play mine.

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Then play the game for the gear and suck it? In every thread you post today is clear that you are a #noChanges andy. Why do you ask changes now?
Let me quote your thoughts on AV changes:

What? Are you mad cause now you have to play world grinding and pvping as intended? Maybe go back to retail if you can’t handle it?
And “if you can’t tag anything and have to corpse run 3 times as long as the alliance” then it’s a true #noChanges experience my friend. No fast respawns or dynamic and no easy going vs enemy faction when it comes to pvp servers. True vanilla flavor for your ice-cream to suck.