Alchemical Flavor Pocket

Morning All!

May I ask if it’s possible to add " Alchemical Flavor Pocket" to the Elemental Lariat (or any crafted item with another embellishment)?

It’s clear that " Alchemical Flavor Pocket" doesn’t count as “Unique Equipped: Embellished (2)” but I don’t know if it’s possible to have two embellishment on the same item.


No you need to add it to another crafted item.

I put mine on a Ring personally.

That’s great to know, many thanks!

If put on a crafted weapon, it would technically be equippable in combat. Has anyone tested if that then allows you to retain the food buff through death?

I use mine on the weap

Edit, do you mean random equipping prior to a death? I only m+ so it’s always on anyway. Dno about trying go trick the game upon death /receiving the 100% buff timer

Just curious because I considered putting it on my wand, but held off and then got a better main hand as a drop, so the wand sits in the bank. The pocket is pretty expensive, so you would want to put it on a crafted item that you know is going to be BiS for a while, but doesn’t come embellished, which is tricky… If it’s on a weapon and you get an upgrade just after you have put it on, it might be possible to get some use out of it.

Big true, I think that’s why most put it on a BIS stat ring

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