Alchemy? Are you ok?

I am trying my best to level Alchemy. Dropped thousands on herbs at the AH
Popped a load of points in the tree to help with experiment/discovery

All I am getting is, Boom! Boom! Boom! How am I suppose to level up and progress? I’m just dropping hundreds of herbs into an explosion of despair

This is not fun. This is probably the worst time I have ever had in 20 years of any Warcraft environment!

I feel so defeated and deflated, Its as if I cannot go on further. Unless I drop my profession and pick up two gathering skills. Stockpile, then come back to it all at a later date.

I just hope this resonates with the community, we can have a voice big enough to allow a better change into this awful time and gold sink!
Not fun. Not engaging.

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To my knowledge, you need to check you are using a herb that some of your unlearned recipes will use. If you use one that there are no recipes for, you always get a bang.

But there are a lot of bangs in general :pensive:

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Don’t bother with “wild” experimentations… absolute black hole for mats with a very low chance of discovering something.

Just stick with the daily meticulous one, and craft any orange stuff, and first crafts, that you discover off it. Leave the expensive first crafts to Patron orders, they often provide the mats.


This is nice advice.

I did this on my 3 alchemists and it worked fine. Wild experimentation is a total waste of materials, gold and mats.

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