Alchemy - completely unprofitable?


I have been levelling alchemy and have discovered a few flask recipes but when I use auctionator to show the profit/loss, literally all of them and the ones i am yet to discover make a loss, and that loss increases MASSIVELY the better quality the herbs I use. I feel like I am wasting my time or just doing something wrong. Anyone know if this is the case or are all professions like this presently?

The patron orders also ask for high quality herbs but return little gold making a massive loss so im put off getting kps! :frowning:

At this point in the expansion, alchemy for flasks /potions isn´t particularly profitable unless you have max level crafting gear and have the 3 left trees (alschem Mastery, flasks + potions) maxed out. It also depends on what time of day and to a lesser extent what days you´re selling them. You also don´t want to post large batches if you´re looking for quick sales, because they will inevitably be undercut, leaving you with hundreds of flasks and potions that come back 12h later in the mail.

Thaumaturgy can be more easily profitable, but you have to keep an eye on the AH prices and not go overboard locking yourself into a transmute loop for 2 hrs, because by then the markets will have changed. and you have to either know the ratios off-hand, or create a spreadsheet that tracks the ratios and then auto-calculates what´s profitable and what isn´t based on the current market values you enter.

My alchemist produces the lion´s share of my day to day income, but it took me roughly 2 weeks abd probably about 500k gold optimizing my excel spreadsheet for thauma until I had enough data to know the ratios I had deduced were pretty much spot on, and I only sell flasks and potions close to primetime on wednesdays and on the weekend.

The patron orders that are actually profitable can all be done with R1 mats and sometimes an extra 2-300 concentration points if it’s an R3 craft with an augment rune.

Also, remember that your artisans acuity can be traded in for materials which can then also be sold… so just because the craft itself is an average of 3-10g /loss doesn´t necessarily mean it´s a bust, depending on how much acuity it rewards.

Blindly crafting everything is however almost always a guaranteed loss, no matter what profession. But Smiths and engineers have it especially bad IME ( I honestly want to put Vokgret and Millhouse Manastorm on ignore on my blacksmiths, effing cheapskates…)

And yes, 1 month away from the end of the first season, when everyone else is either maxed out or filling in their last skillpoints, and half of the customers are taking a break, is not an ideal time to earn money with any profession… there is still some money to be made, esp recrafting the last pieces of gear for people, but new crafts are mostly dried up because people had their BiS items crafted 4 months ago.

Thanks for your comment and the information.

Ive decided im going to just stick with the low quality crafts for alchemy and build Kp gradually. I’m going to sell all my high quality herbs on AH since they sell well. This seems to be the best choice atm.

^^ :beers:

Consider downloading the addon “craftsim”, in combiniation with keeping auctionator or TSM (it works with both) up to date, it really helps a lot to discern which PWOs are worth it and which probably aren´t, based on current market value of the required mats and what generally drops from the satchels. :wink:

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I’m making quite a bit of gold from craft orders, but mostly from selling the rewards.
Especially the crystal that boosts int; goes for 1600G+ on AH.
The other bits (licences, finishing reagents) go for 70-100G+ each.
It helps if you diversify and have at least one of each of the crafting professions; the mats cost nothing compared to what you can sell the rewards for, plus my druid is a miner/herbalist which helps. Remember you get a lot of mats and stuff to sell from disturbed earth as well.
Of course some rewards just aren’t worth the mats. Just ignore those orders!

Another great tip if you have multiple characters with professions is to make sure you deposit all your mats in your Warband bank. That way they become available to all characters without even withdrawing them! You will keep ending up with mats in your bags though (especially if you need to craft reagents or parts) so after you finish crafting remember to check your reagent bag and put leftover mats back in the Warband bank.

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