Alchemy help

So I don’t know if I’m being stupid here, but I took alchemy on my hunter specifically so I can get longer phial durations. I took my mage through all alchemy profession stages through all previous expansions, and on him I get two hour duration phials / flasks / elixirs, however, I have only just taken alchemy on my hunter for the aforementioned reason, he has the mixology perk already, but is only getting one hour durations, could someone please help, or kindly point out what I’m missing? I’m currently going through legion and the questchain involving repairing the destroyed alchemy table. TIA for any responses.

Phials only last 30 minutes, the perk extends it to 1h.
Flasks and elixirs last 1h and the duration gets doubled to 1h via mixology. But it seems mixology does not work on dragonflight phials (maybe that’s why they are created as phials, so that mixology still doubles all flask and elixir duration you can create and dragonflight flasks do not need to be excluded).
If (a single) phial duration can be extended past 1h I would be quite surprised, but you can stack 2 for prolonged duration (I would not use in most cases).

Sounds bugged my alchemist gets 2 hr duration on phials.

You get 30 mins from Phial mastery and 30 mins from Air or Frost formulated spec.

  • Mixology affects pre-dragonflight flasks. Not phials.
  • Unlocking Phial Mastery specialization gives 30min phial duration
  • Unlocking Air or Frost formulated phials sub-specializations adds additional 30 minutes on their respective phials
  • Using a sustaining Alchemist stone (doesn’t require alchemy to equip) extends the duration of active phial by 1 minute every time it procs making the phial effectively infinite as long as you spend most of the time in combat. You can do 100 M+ runs with a single phial.
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Thanks for your responses guys, I realised it was missing because I hadn’t got the rank in air or frost mastery when I asked the question, now I have at least one of those it’s all good, really appreciate your responses :slight_smile:

It does actually say on the tooltip for a phial on my mage 2h, but I figure it’s only saying that because all the stacked bonuses and all that but it can’t say 1h30m for example? That’s my theory :slight_smile:

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