Aldor or Scryer - Warlock

Hi guys,

Am I right in thinking that Scryer is best for Warlock overall? I know the initial trinkets are nice, but I was always looking at the shoulder enchants, at least for SP; the difference is that I know crit is actually useful for locks moreso than it is SP.

The difference is really, really minimal. But in general, scryers is thought to be marginally better for casters because it has more crit.

But it also depends on your class/spec ofc. For instance, for a shadow priest aldor is better because shadow priest benefits more from spell power and less from crit chance.

For warlock/mage/elesham scryer is better. But once again, the difference is really small.


I really hate misinformation being spread around. There is tons of information available in class discords, so feel free to check my words for yourself. For casters(both locks and mages - i have not looked into other classes myself) 1 critical rating is equivalent to about 0.7-0.8 spellpower based on various factors… Which makes Aldor enchant(18sp 10 crit) roughly equal to Classic Sapphiron enchants(15sp 14 crit), both of which are somewhat superior to Scryer enchant (12sp 15 crit), though the difference is only ~4 dps as can be seen on sims.

Scryer has a few advantages over the Aldor for casters. It’s just that shoulder Enchant is not one of them. Typically the rep items are cheaper. Tailoring pattern is more relevant for casters as you can craft your own runic spellthread instead of forking over gold for the crafting fee and BoP primal nether. The hit rating trinket for scryers is really good as well - having that trinket means you don’t really need Icon of the silver crescent, Quagmirran’s Eye or certain classic trinkets to pump, but it will still be replaced somewhat quickly by the items mentioned above or the eye of magtheridon.

My recommendation for a casual player would be to go Scryer for the conveniences. If you’re utterly set on min-maxing, however, Aldor is the go-to.


That was helpful, thanks!

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Why u wanna team up with a bunch of stinkin Belfs? Smart ppl choose Aldor.

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Scryer is better for warlocks- even if its minimal! If u choose aldor u dont loose that much .

Ur choice! Have fun!

Discussing about this is pointless because people mostly take the faction that attracts them the most lore wise etc, the difference is so minor that it doesn’t even matter what you pick. I will run some simulators later on since I got a Scryers mage and an Aldor mage 70.

For pvp definitly pick Scryers as mage because crit rating is far superior over raw spell power. As Warlock however pick Aldor because you don’t need crit rating as affliction lock.

For pve I would still go Scryers. For example if 1 Fireball/Incinerate/Shadow Bolt crit hits for about 3k damage on average(probably more) which makes it 30 damage/1% crit=30SP because 1:1 scaling. 1% crit = 22.1 crit rating. 5 crit rating is aprox 0.22% crit. if 1% crit is 30 SP 0.22% crit is about 6.6 SP. This is simple math.

The further in game the less important crit rating will be, similators show that the more crit is stacked the less SP it’s worth. Early game it’s however the other side around Crit is rated far higher than SP, This is because of ignite stacking and Ruin. Mages have to keep up their own Ignites now, back in vanilla classic this wasnt the case. Warlocks & Arcane Mages also got crit scale 100%.

Early game Scryers is definitly better because crit > raw SP.
For PVP scryers is definitly better.
If we compare the Nax enchant. -3SP Scryers vs +3SP Aldor While Aldor has -4 Crit rating and Scryers +1 Crit rating. Do the math here yourself lol. I got no clue where u got this information from but +3SP and -4Crit rating is far worse than -3SP and +1Crit Rating. So Scryers would dominate here. To be fair I wouldn’t even Run nax anymore for -1Crit rating and +3SP Because its Basically the same thing as Scryers.
Late game Aldor might be superior this is when Sunwell comes around the corner but I doubt because of gem stacking and superior gear this would matter at all. Also this far into the game WOTLK comes around the corner and TBC is almost to his end.

Destro Warlock=Scryers, Affliction Warlock=Aldor
Shadow Priest=Aldor

All the current statistics are irrelevant because they are mostly harvested out of PTRs, or Vanilla Classic.

The big brain choice is go Scryer at the start, get all patterns, trinket and a couple crit enchants, then grind to Aldor later down the line in P2-3 when you did all the frontloaded content anyway, and be Aldor for SP enchant and bis neck proc in SWP. You also get both thread types.


The Neck will easly be replaced it’s isnt even rated that high, the neck is only worth for super casual players that make alts in late phase and didn’t ran BT/Sunwell yet. So picking a faction simply because the better neck is kinda inrelevent. The JC neck is simply better (Pattern drops in Sunwell)

Also if u want to keep PVPing stay Scryers.

You are probably correct tho to switch to Aldor when Sunwell comes around the corner as PVE min/maxer because this far into TBC we are probably overstacked with crit rating already.

This is terrible advice by you once again. for PVP you want Aldor over Scryer. The enchant is more than 50% as useful, in fact. Aldor Enchant is significantly better, if the difference is only a few DPS in PVE the impact is double that in PVP… If 1 crit is 0.7-0.8 spellpower in PVE, it is only worth 0.35-0.5 spellpower in PVP. This is because resilience heavily nerfs critical hits. Whereas a frost mage typically crits for 200%, In later TBC people will stack upwards of 500 resilience, which will nerf critical damage from 200% to 150% - impact of criticals, as well as the stat value per point is reduced BY HALF as compared to PVE. If you’re a frost mage impact of crit is further reduced when compared to PVE, as shatter adds a massive 50% chance already. Of course in season 1 and 2 we will not see 500 resilience yet so crit is still somewhat useful, maybe not 0.3 spellpower per 1 crit but more like 0.6, but once again, spellpower is much more valuable for PVP than critical chance.

For example if 1 Fireball/Incinerate/Shadow Bolt crit hits for about 3k damage on average(probably more) which makes it 30 damage/1% crit=30SP because 1:1 scaling

1 spellpower adds about 3.864 damage to a crit, not 1 so you’re off by nearly 4-fold. You’re only looking at the base ratio, completely neglecting the myriad talents, debuffs, as well as critical damage modifier significantly increasing the damage. Once again, please educate youself instead of posting this nonsense.

Simple math: Warlock debuff: 13% mage debuff 15% Fire Power: 10% Playing with Fire: 3% Molten Fury(Avg) 4% Fireball Ratio with Talent: 1.15 Crit Damage Ratio with Ignite+CSD: 2.1945

1.13x1.15x1.1x1.03x1.04x1.15x2.1945 = 3.864 damage added per 1 spellpower to a fireball crit

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