
Hello there, my fellow players!
I was wondering, as this is a death expansion and being life its opposite, as well as the fact that Ysera will probably have a prominent role, what about Alexstrasza? I think it’s about time she quits crying all around and starts doing something! I really like her character but I feel that ever since the aspects lost their power, she’s simply been moping around!

I would love to see Alexstrasza, Wrathion, Kalecgos, Merithra and Nozdormu play major roles in a future expansion set on the Dragon Isles.


Same! It’s a chance to further develop Alexstrasza and bring about those “life” representatives who Remulus claimed would be hostile to us; Wrathion could develop his relationship with his brother as well as with Anduin and see that his flight is not the only one with problems of corruption; Kalec could find a better future for the blue dragonflight, reunite with Kiristrasza (?) and we could see what’s up with him and Jaina; Merithra’s relationship with Ysera could be developed as well; Nozdormu’s corruption mystery could be finally brought about… so much potential! We could also call the Keepers such as Freya and such into the fold since they’ve been in Ulduar doing nothing all this time… So much potential!

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As much as I would love it, with Blizzard’s current track record regarding OG aspects, she’s the only one left to kill.
I also don’t think this LK has his own Sindragosa yet either.

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