All 3 hunter hero talent trees are very dull

I was hyped for TWW but then they released the hunter hero talent trees and I lost hope.

These are the most dull and uninspired hero talents hands down, across all classes and all specs. Dark ranger and Sentinel are practically the same thing (dot, 10% increased damage for you and your pet, focus regen, 40% slow, same AOE effect with multi shot exploding on targets) - just shadow vs arcane damage. Pack leader is “kill command gives you extra damage on the next kill command”.

At the same time all other classes get crazy new fun effects that actually augment your class’ spells in fun ways - phoenixes, powerful demons, riders of the apocalypse, celestials… more mobility, more utility, more ways to play, while we get 40% slow

“It’s just alpha, bro”… yeah, but I don’t see them changing anything that matters, at best they would probably tune some talents here and there.

Hunter already feels 1 expansion behind everybody else in terms of mechanics and development.

If things don’t change, hunter will fall behind even more


Agree. All 3 hero talents seems a bit rushed and uninspiring.

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The outcry seems real for sure.

The fact that the only things i’ll be looking forward to for my hunter is an old spell, a dead dog and a hooting owl doesn’t feel nice. Or cool. Or innovative. Or amazing.

I’m holding out hope here however. If Black Arrow and Sentinel looks visually appealing, like it looks and feels -strong- then maybe it won’t be bad. Admittedly, this is inspired after seeing Warlocks, Priests and Mages having such flashiness to their up and coming hero talents.

Yes, i’m asking for an Owl that blows up like an intercontinental explosive, what of it?


If this Ols spell was just for the one how have it first and kind of as Flayed shot again

How on earth decided that yeah give SV a BM ability boost witch will be the worst sim tree off all time, or Sentinal arcane for Survival

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What do you mean dull?
Can’t you see all the excitement on social media???

Search Hunter TWW Alpha, and you will find a grand total of ZERO videos. So obviously our talents are super exciting. We must have agot addressed in all areas of the class in general as our existing talents got reworked and actually make the class play well.

This is why no one is posting anything about hunter, it is because they are having too much fun with it to post anything.


Haha I am sure thats why :joy:

I absolutely despise that both hero talent trees buff Coordinated Assault for Survival.

Why does Pack Leader not buff Spearhead instead? Make it generate more Energy so we can spam more Mongoose Bites etc, I dont want to throw grenades in melee, stop making me have to throw bombs in melee.
All I want to time my small cds and bonk people with my spear and my animal friend!

The pack cordination point could make pet attacks cleave instead, or make Kill Command cleave, which would be AMAZING.

The biggest problem is that BOTH TREES NEED COORDINATED ASSAULT.
I hate that skill with a burning passion, and I dont like to throw Wildfire bombs in melee! Why does Bliz always want us to go for it, when Fury and Spearhead are way more fun?!

I would be inclined to agree. I mentioned it another thread but the Hunter Hero talents generally feel pretty uninspired. Smokescreen in the DR tree is a great boost to our personal defensive but beyond that it’s all a bit bland.

Sentinel in particular feels disappointing. It feels more like a Boomkin tree than a Hunter tree, in many respects. I think that the tree should have had some sort of interaction with Arcane Shot, as opposed to being purely passive.

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For SV if the not hardrework Pack leader i think you have too go with sentinal

But there is not a singel Tree that have a SV fantasy behind

I an not rly hyped and it will just be another passive damage increase and your enemy blinks a bit with arcane stuff

A little hope on US forun they state in a blue post Hunter trees will get a look at and maybe get better


Yeah, it is an issue with Coordinated Assault being forced into. It is janky AF. I play a no-cd build these days because it’s just way more fun then using that CD. I like having an AoE Kill Shot, but having to macro it and turn on and off pet attacking is so annoying. No other class has do deal with their main CD forcing you to macro around it to reach maximum potential.

Coordinated Assault could be so much easier to use if they just removed the pet attack part. Would make it a much more fun ability. Or just tie it to Butchery so after you use it your next Kill Shot is AoE. So many more ways they could go except for the pet…

I want to use Spearhead but it’s just not worth it, which is a shame. It’s a very fun talent that requires too many points. And also the 10% kill command damage to take it? That is complete BS.

That being said though, I do think there is some good things about Pack Leader. It’s not as flashy or interesting as other trees, which I think is a fair critique. Pack Leader doesn’t fit what you’re actually getting. But gameplay-wise, I think it could be pretty interesting for Survival since a lot of the time, you are hunting for those Kill Command resets. Going for a high critical strike build with lots of additional crit damage and massive Kill Shot bleeds could be very fun. So I will wait with judging it until I can get my hands on it.

Sentinel looks very boring though… Doesn’t look like it will change the gameplay at all.

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I don’t know WHY THE ACTUAL BOMBACLAART we have a CD like CA… It is so annoying to use, and is by far the most retarded actual damaging CD in the game. Only thing that comes near is probably Storm, Earth and Fire for WW monk.

Eventually people will cotton on that the classes pet dependencies are out and out ruining the whole class for the sake of fantasy, but in a way no other class has to deal with. People will come around but it will be too late, as if they even attempt a reqork of hunter they will do it because of the reets championing pet fantasy at the sake of functionality, and then when they finally realise we as a class have been double downing in clownery for decades, they wont even think of reworking again.

Everyone needs to get LOUD about this NOW!