[All Factions][Any EU Server]<ZOMG IM IN A GUILD> Brand New Guild. It's Great!

Did you ever want to be in a guild? Well here at now you can be! It’s great! In the guild, you can chat with others, and group up. It’s great! We have plans to do events and make a discord soon, it’s great! Join today!

Silly message aside, we are a newly created guild that is focusing on the social aspect of the game. A no pressure guild with laid-back & chill people, looking for other like minded people to perhaps start raiding in the future.
Current goal is to recruit and get to know each other and that will run all content with a no pressure approach, where you can push keys and raid without feeling stressed about it. I hope this guild will be super supportive to others. New players, veterans and altoholoics all is welcome!

Shoot me a message on bnet, Magilicotti#11430 if you’re interested, thanks!