All forum links are broken?

Every time I google anything wow-related and get forum post results, the link just opens forum front page instead.

This seems like a recent change. Did they “finally” delete the old read-only forums or something?


I have this too, really really annoying. Often the indexed google results are exactly what I need, and then it just opens the forum index :neutral_face:

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Its the old forums right? Think they shut that one down a few weeks back sonu can no longer read the old forum posts :woman_shrugging:t3:


Seems so. I thought it was all forum posts but I checked again and indeed it seems to only affect old ones. Shame.


I had 10+k posts… now I am in the single digit.

My contributions amounted to nothing! :frowning:


Yea same here, 5k+ on both EU and NA, and not much reason to use forums now that reddit took over.

Though some Blizzard CM said they had their 10k+ post counts reset multiple times so I guess we’re not the worst off here.

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