Old forums nuked

Apparently all links to the old forum are now redirecting to the new forum front-page.

It’s unfortunate since there was still help to acquire from the old forum like macro assistance.


Yes, I guess they are going to be put to bed soon or later.

I was trying to find some info to help a friend and had that issue.

The US guys also reported this. So not only us…

This happened to me since Saturday.
None of the old links work anymore and redirect to the actual forums main page.

It’s sad because there’s lots of useful information gonna be lost forever.


Its annoying because when you look for some info then mostly old forum is recommended by google :sob:


I presume with time they may disappear all together from google.

Oh, that’s sad. :frowning:

I spose it was bound to happen one day, but that’s a chunk of great info gone.


Oh i thought i got banned from the old forums or something lol. Glad i was just being silly.

Still sucks though, everytime i go google a solution to a problem in WoW it always directs to old forums… Which end up with nothing but the front page of WoW.

Either old forums should come back or google needs to clear the search from old-wow-forums. Because 9/10 of my search results end up with this problem.


Search using the forum search!

Yes, that’s my IRL job. Messing with SEO and Search Engines.
As long as they stop going from collecting data there, it’ll de-rank and disappear from there.

For those struggling to find something from there, check archive (dot) org. You’ll find what you need there.

Well that is really sad because I found really good gold farming guides that still work today from the old forums but sadly it sucks they will be gone.

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Or wayback machine is also good for that.


a lot of history is being lost.
I wish Blizzard would at least make a statement clarifying if this is their intent and why.

They already stated that the old forums were going to be available in a read-only form for only a limited time.

So yes, pretty sure this is their intent.

Still shouldn’t have been too costly to keep it archived.

Mhm, barely used or not, a forumpackage and a webserver require maintenance. That maintenance is done for a forum that is basically not used anymore - basically only unknowing Googlers reach it.

It can lead to confusion, information spreading and what not.

At some point it is better to say farewell and let us make new topics about certain subjects on the new forum so the information is more recent and in one place.

Keeping old systems running for too long does more harm than good.

Yeah, like that WoD Cdew thread about pruning, 1600 upvotes, biggest feedback thread ever regarding class design - completely ignored by Blizzard for 6 years, and now gone forever.
RIP information.


So much good information lost,

I want an official blizzard statement about this
Because an obvious next step will be the deletion of these forums

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All the history on the Forums, gone, Blizzard these forums are just empty & souless compared to the old forums … How have they deleted them all - not even archived anywhere :((((